Monday, May 28, 2012


***Written approximately one year ago. Worthy of the share.

Get filled...figure you are normal ---what does that look like to you?
Get contrite.
Dreams are not over.
They have not the symmetry of ideas.
Given as you get filled in the river......the incident by accident, with light to your way.
The miraculous accompaniment.

Sunday, May 27, 2012


Romans 10:17-Faith comes by hearing! This is the missing element here, though there is certainly more to speak. This is a message I can speak to you with absolute conviction in my heart. Why? Because I have been sold out to the Word of God for a lifetime! I have had to believe my way to everything, having been walked on, lied to, shunned, spoken against, used, threatened and mocked. There have been many acknowledge this yet would not answer a message of a need for prayer. Where is your belief?  Yet, God laughs at the prospect of causing harm to one of His. I know full well where His miracles are located. They are right in the center of belief. Where is yours? The Holy Spirit knows and has been honorous for a very long time. You recognized me. You recognized my countenance. The Word of God says you are without excuse! I have believed even for you in ways no one reading this can likely comprehend, for those who simply did not know who I was or am. When I am told things of the Spirit, they are as good as done. I have served you for many years with blood, sweat, tears and many, many prayers, having reached a place where it is not enough to write to you here no matter how large the letters. It is simply not the same and you cannot hear. I have cried out to God for you even amidst loosing my own home all the while believing for a husband, new home and ministry. In part, I can say...Receive your rebuke! many who have known. I am called to office as many of you have many callings as well. I am qualified to get you to believe for it, to show you how to get there and to put you there and am greatly excited to do so! And I will do just that as you recieve God's love. I do not carry about envy and jealousy because I know who God has made me to be and see full on how hard the enemy has tried to take it all away and use scripture to say there was no need for me. There is an incredible need for my ministry because God says so! Deep excitement and love well up inside me when I think of how excited you would be to hear what you will know in your heart was always true and just for you. I have heard in vain for a lifetime...We are not ready, they are not ready, you are not ready, it is not ready.... It is time. God is ready. You are as ready as you believe to be. I have believed for greatness in ministry (not vain success), but blessed ministry I know it belongs to me and mine and also the one I am to marry. How can I say this? Easy...belief! I believe in miracles. I believe in God given dreams. I believe the pain the enemy has caused me and my family will be turned into God's glory in a moment's notice. I believe in a global traveling ministry. I believe my husband is a blessed man of Almighty God and will be exceedingly blessed! I believe that every ounce of hell unleased upon my dreams shall be returned 100 fold and then some. I believe and therefore I speak. Walking in the light of the Word of God has taken on many facets but now is to walk into God given dreams. Do you believe? God has waited for a very long time.   

Acts 3:19-Believe that repentance is healing
Mark 16:14-Call out unbelief
2 Corinthians 10:4-Break strongholds that hinder!
Matthew 21:22- Believe in prayer
John 3:36-What's in you?
1 Timothy 6:2-Belief benefits all in honor
Mark 16:16-Belief w/benefits (17-18) vs. condemnation
Acts 4:30-31-Belief in action
Hebrews 11:6-Commanded to believe
Ephesians 5:18-Helps you believe
Mark 11:24-Belief gets things done
1 Corinthians 2:4-Believe in the Holy Spirit
Ephesians 2:13-Be brought near by belief
Colossians 1:20-Plead the blood

*What is your "fear to faith" testimony? Just behind it is great belief!

~Believe God! ...say...
1-God is who He says he is
2-God can do what He says He can do
3-I am who God says I am
4-I can do all things through Christ
5-God's Word is alive and active in me.
~Believe God!

See-Friday, May 14th, 2010 !!!

With Everything