Thursday, April 11, 2013

Healing Waters

For this…it is the purpose, the intention, the reason; should there be need of one, the goal and dreams of my heart that I write the vision that I pray manifests into all that God has given to me into a fervent and fruitful ministry of the church.

There is a river of life and it waters the tree of life and brings forth fruit in every month of every season Revelations says. Water flows. It’s beautiful to see, mesmerizing almost, at the miracle of it. The understanding of it is like a wellspring of life Proverbs say. John tells us that there is a river within that springs up of the Holy Spirit. A man was told to go and wash as a commandment unto obedience. Water was used as a source to serve in watering camels. Water is a sign of the Holy Spirit. Water is divine in that God spoke and it was. It was then purposefully used for many reasons.

We are given the example to be immersed in waters as an outward sign of an inward change in taking on the Lord in baptism. There being nothing particularly special about its ritual oh but the inward change in its reality. To the obedient the blessings are overwhelming.

God knew what He was doing when He created water. He used it to display great servant hood to others in bowing low to wash another’s feet. He rebuked others standing by when another washed His. He created us in His likeness with tears of joy and tears of sorrow being an outward sign of what our heart sees, knows or feels. He called one man a weeping prophet, full of God’s heart as a mouthpiece for God. There’s an inexpressible joy that many have not felt or known. Oh God, my heart pours from the depths of my soul for these. It is a miracle in a season of drought, whether spiritual or physical. It grows our crops, waters vegetation and makes our flowers beautiful and sweet. Divinely purposed is water in Gods heart and plan. It is both inwardly cleansing and yet cleans us physically. In the depths of it there are known and unknown mysteries uncovered from life of the sea to the miracles of the Spirit of God.

There’s a song that sings…”Running waters dance, you and I romance. Unto you I give all the glory”. A song singing to the tune of my heart…an inward need too great to sit here and it not take place…a love so full I cannot think on anything but what He has said should be. I was a little girl of incredible faith that had a faith that was so real, like the song sings…you can touch it, feel it, know it on the inside and I want everyone to know about this kind of love divinely purposed of our Heavenly Father. The enemy has used me, abused me, stolen from me but has not realized or received what wills to be. The practicality of it seems for some reason to others to be less than the desired, but the joy found in the service on the way, says, “Walk a mile with me and I will go with you two”. I will tell you about it.

A scripture flows from the page this morning…”In the light of the king’s face is life and his favor is like a cloud of the latter rain.” Oh that precious latter healing rain. There is favor in a lit countenance, in the eyes of favor.

My heart cries out, “Oh, God please help me….vision given to me…please help me do this. You know my heart and oh how I love you. I have believed you when a thousand times I could have said no more. I ask you for your favor and love and blessing for me and my family and unto manifesting this for the blessing of many. I want them blessed, spending years in showing my heart for them. You know me. I know you. I believe you. Do it for me and for many. Raise this dream for millions. Raise this dream for thousands. Raise this dream for hundreds. Raise this dream for only a few, but my prayer is that you raise up this dream unto reality. I have for many other men and women of God believed for and served. I have put my faith forward and thus far none have desired the gifts of God I have to share, so give me wisdom that you have said you would lavish upon us as we ask according to your Word and make a way for this place to give all glory to you in blessing so very many. If I had not believed so greatly I couldn’t even have the faith to ask, for you know my state. I have far less than the necessary to do this. We have gone without less than needed, so Father God, I ask you to bless us as we see your house be built and be full of hungry hearts for You. Therefore I rely fully on you to make my dreams come true and for my prayers to be answered. I have asked for a lot of things, this being only in part but I believe you Heavenly Father for it. There is healing to be had and I know you will honor this prayer because I humbly ask. I want to see the gifts of the Holy Spirit flowing in great manifestation. I want to see healing come, dreams be answered in the moment, your Words blessings others in ways they never ever dreamed would take place until that very moment. That place of incredible, yes, inexpressible joy that removes every prior hindrance and that carries you until meeting again, perpetual love and joy. It’s that heaven on earth, occupying in great love while attending to your will. Surely, surely you hear and will attend to my prayer. There is a dry, thirsty and weary land that you have taught that in repentance there is a great flow of rivers of living water that heals. It’s in the moment, in the heart of man, of your Spirit, at the altar. I have found the wisdom of your great and most very precious Words of life and they indeed are sweetness to my lips. I can scarcely wait to share your most holy love with them.”

I promise to give you all the glory for you have given healing waters and I bow before your heavenly throne Heavenly Father in most humble adoration asking the only one that can make this prayer reality for those you love with all of your heart and all of your heart given to me.