Tuesday, October 30, 2018

The Vision For The Structure in the Glory!

However did this vision for this structure come to fruition?

The Word of God. Listened to. Studied. Endless notes. Burning the candle at both ends kind of study. Schooling. Writing about the Word. Talking about the Word. Teaching about the Word. Lesson planning around the Word. Dreaming about the Word. Immersion in the Word. Sowing the Word. Falling totally in love with Word. Word just like this...where the vision came for this structure in the glory!

Prayer. Much prayer. Hours and days of prayer. Prayer that lost sleep. Prayer that awakened me from my sleep. Prayer while I worked. Prayer while I worshipped. Prayer in song. Prayer while I taught. Prayer while I planned. Prayer that was painful. Prayer that was radically joyful. Prayer that prayed for days and long nights at the altar. Prayer that got answers. Prayer that didn't take 'No' for an answer because the answer is...'Yes and Amen to the glory of God'. Prayer that spurred revival within. Prayer that spurred revival in the church. Prayer that changes lives. Prayer...in the house of prayer!

'But you beloved, build yourselves up in your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit.'...Jude 20

...because you are precious. ..because you are His building...'because the whole building being fitted together grows into a holy temple in the Lord'...Ephesisns 2:21

I do not apologize for these childlike drawings. This is how I was shown to put these pictures together that I might write this vision to bring understanding to you. They will be upgraded to the building of the church for which they were purposed.

The scriptures say you must become like a child...I recall feeling a childlike believing kind of joy, tears of joy even as I lay on the floor with a posterboard, a bible and a writing utensil. I would be tempted to cease the work in disbelief so I remained prayful and kept at the vision.

Everything around me screamed opposition. I had one chair in the living room, a borrowed foldup table and chairs. I had only a bed for my children. I used my last few hundred dollars to purchase it for them in the attempt to have my children back. I had no income after homeschooling them for nearly 20 years, so I lost them and their childhood home on my birthday at noon.

I was working 60 hours a week at two practically minumum wage jobs and in school. Though I met all the requirements, was in school and working, to make a life for them I was now told this was to my detriment and they did not come home.

This matters not any longer but what does matter is THIS... a kingdom shout says...'It is Harvesttime!' A whole lot more than just my children and children's children are coming home! The church has waited long enough! Enough! I shout a great grace to the church!

It was a bleek view if I didn't see with eyes of faith the prosperity that was on its way to mine, to the church and those coming to it. No one believed, not even believers. Turned away from my own. That whole report of carnality said No. God said Yes! So, I lay in the middle of my empty living room floor and worshipped as I brought this into your vise!

Fellowship 1 this is called...the first floor of 28 main ministries of the church. These halls are titled: Fellowship 1, Study, Unity and Ministry. 

The Sanctuary...turned on its side that I am able to share. At the alter, just behind this 2nd floor Sanctuary is encompassed by the Worship ministries' entrance into the Sanctuary onto the altar area.

Fellowship 3 this is called... the third floor of 22 of the main ministries of the church. These halls are titled: Fellowship 3, Worship, Generations. Travel and the Hub.

This is the vision for the structure of 'Glory To His Name' Church in the glory! To be full of the anointing that saves, heals, protects, fills and guides toward growth in the most precious body that God be glorified all in all!

Monday, October 29, 2018

The Vision For The Land in the Glory!

The vision for the glory, "Glory To His Name' is so close I can see it fluidly, as I could open my mouth and speak it into reality and call you all into its life! Worship! Proclamation! Declaring its existence over the land! That specific heavenly place the Holy Spirit breathed the vision that morning on that New Year's day! Speaking life giving words that the glory fill this place unto the church...the Holy life-giving structure it shall be!

A very large church, a much sought atmosphere to be amidst, to long for, the linger in, to without thought tell everyone you know like an urgency for all to know the love that shall reside in this saving and grace-filled atmosphere so abundant and full! 

Pray with me that its fulfillment is, quickly as obedience is within visual just on the horizon.

It is closer than ever to being sown into, the wicked being overturned that the light shine on the 'gifts of giving' in the body and out. I have shouted this many times. The very fact that no one seems to have a trumpet, all have said theirs were broken, didn't know how to play it or simply indifference that said lacking love that it was merely unnecessary. But ...

Numbers 10:9 says...'When you go to war in your land against the enemy who opresses you, then you shall sound an alarm with the trumpets and you will be remembered before the Lord your God and you will be saved from your enemies.'

Trumpet(s) shall sound the day the church opens for full time and all- the- time ministry! Given many, many years ago. A land rich in love to be given back and many times over!

No longer will there be the hint of less love, less fellowship, less movement toward the building of 'Glory To His Name' church when there is the glory of God awaiting so many! Walk clean and walk close that you know the will of God!

'....with men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible!' Matthew 19:26 says. I desire fellowship with the like-minded, those having a heart for God, those carrying about a kingdom mindset, having been transformed by renewal of the mind...the Holy Spirit.

No one shall search and not find this international ministry. Southern Indiana wills to be the directive and there shall be a light from all directions round about that shows the way...from the North, South, East and West...and those held captive shall be given up!

Amos 9:13 says, 'Behold, the days are coming says the Lord, "When the plowman shall overtake the reaper, and the treader of grapes those who sow seed: The mountains will drip with sweet wine and all the hills shall flow with it. I will bring back the captives of my people Israel; They shall build the waste (what some called waste) cities and inhabit (live amidst) them. They shall plant vinyards and drink wine from them (for communion). And they shall also plant gardens and eat fruit from them. I will plant them in their land (in a home, in the ministry) and no longer shall they be pulled up from the land I am giving them, says the Lord your God. 

A vineyard planted for the purposeful intention to harvest grapes for communion!

A garden planted with much vegitation for all of these of the church, to plant, tend, to harvest and share!

A wooded area with driving path and walking paths to be decorated throughout the holiday seasons!

A flower garden beautifully lanscaped, rich in beauty for all to enjoy!

These shall be the surroundings of the church for everyone!

For this is the vision for the land in all its richness to be built upon and filled with the love of God, salvation, healings, fillings of life and life more abundant...fueled by the         ever-present anointing! 

      This is the vision for the land in the glory!

Monday, October 22, 2018

Angels in the Glory!

Angels stirring up blessings in the glory! I have heard over and again...as the Holy Scripture say and so filled with righteous compassion...

'I have loved you! This that has been given to me is that which cannot be taken away, so it is that which I give to you also shall not be taken away!'

Angel's PLAYING...staggered near and far, high and low so that each could have touched them yet there was such a holiness in the atmosphere, small though glorious...playing small heavenly ancient harps of gold. The glory was thick and instantly filled the room. I have saw, similarly, tiny angels in prayer before, though they were awaiting an entrance from those. These angels were playing glorious music signifying such grace. Freedom filled the room as these appeared quickened as if desiring to be present...though no one told them. I knew they were present on their freewill. All of this unfolded in a matter of moments. When the heightened prayer ceased the angels were no longer visible though within but a few minutes they were on assignment...of a knowing.

There was a stirring up taking place...something about water, yes in the waters of the Spirit...bringing waters to fill up that which was taken. You should know that there was no letter of the law, of irreverant response...against the Spirit. To view it in this manner is to see the letter against or antagonistic of the Spirit. You must see the law of love...not against...rather properly, 'in the light of'. This was a knowing ...that you know this Word.

There was a prompting to write that there is a cleansing of the lower atmosphere or that which has been unclear that so many can 'come up and with clarity'.

As if time wasn't, though in a matter of moments in real time, I saw there were a STIRRING up of the gifts in the hearts of people. There were three scrolls that appeared right on the waters, unfolding and each were quite large, fluttering in the atmosphere, moving and so very alive...begging their read. The wind moved them about like the breath of God that makes the Word so lively.... 1 Corinthians 12, the gifts of the Holy Spirit...Romans 12, the gifts of God...Ephesians 4...the offices. It moved away from the angels part that I held a knowing of in all of this. The focus became on the Words of the scrolls. This was the UTILIZATION of the Words on the scrolls...an understanding of. No one was reading them there....but all were taking it in as worship happened. Then I saw the Word, WORKING...literally the living Word become more alive than ever.

I heard...'no limits of the Spirit'. All this came to me in a matter of moments...graced with a holy kind of love in the atmosphere not tasted in such a very long while.

Harvest has not yet come for many...oh but yet, when it does, I pray there be angels to do the bidding as there is an increased, kept, overflowing, joyful anointing, thick atmosphere of love. This is that which wills only to build and to build up the churchhouse!

There shall be a light set high up on the church. This will guide the way to the center of God's heart.

There in the midst, angels in the glory...guiding the way!