Sunday, September 09, 2018

812... The Light in the Glory!

812...The Light in the Glory! 812...Get ready! This night I heard a whistling. The champion is whistling. How do you love?! Know it. Pray! Share! Tell it unto breakthrough! Get obedient to what the Holy Spirit speaks to your heart.

Zechariah 10:9 says this...'I will whistle (to call for) for them and gather (assemble) them, for I will redeem (rescue) them and they shall increase (abundance) as they once increased.

Who has ever seen increase happen in the exact same way?! Get very excited! It wills to be a joy unspeakable.

Build up! Build up! Build up!

The people are coming! Increase is coming! 
Total increase is on the way...expected increase!

His hands, His feet, His mouthpiece! I have walked in this power and in love and so know that thing or things you desire! I have been these and am these. What do you want? What do you need? Do you want to be these? 

For this is not new, but all things have become as, fresh, awakened, revelation of love in this brand new year! It's not changed. It is new, but it is freshly new to those who hear!

When they went searching for Him he was in the church being about the Father's business, the scriptures say in Luke 2:49. Be awakened to the work of the ministry. Where would they find you? They assuredly will find me in the churchhouse...the place of my whole heart! This is the place to give you place. Be a vessel. Where is your hearts desire?!

To light up with love. The Holy Ghost spoke...'There is greatness, no matter how much time has passed for you." Did you hear that, church?! So much grace. So much mercy.

There was also a VERY sweet smelling incense in the room this incense lit to bless!

"As the church is built, light the treasures." I will. I absolutely will.

812...Get ready...the light is in the glory! 

'Their place is not less than one I will give you'...I heard. "I will do it"! Receive!

Saturday, September 01, 2018

Walking Amidst God's Holy Spirit in the Glory!

Psalm 103:1-13, 18-22  Galatians 5:25

Walk with wisdom...going into a most lavish place of God's grace. I looked up into the atmosphere and saw live wires intersecting, not physical phonelines, but rather lines of communication within the Godhead, intertwined together in communication. These lines interchanged all pointing toward earth to give direction. Know the voice of God how to He speaks unto your spirit!

Colossians 2:9-10 says...For in Him dwells the fullness of the Godhead bodily and you are complete in Him, who is the head of all principalities and power.

Know the love that surpasses all other things!

To be as on earth as it is in it is in the heavenly and most holy places!

Instructive give, to share, to love! These will  be as an open door to your spirit...

1) Forgive Your Every Offender

NOTHING AT ALL EVER is worth your prayers' hindrance in this hour! Enough is enough! You are needed like never before. If you are reading this, this is for you! If you are hearing this by the Spirit, this is for you! If you are hearing me tell this to you or I am speaking it, it is for you! HEAR what the Spirit is speaking to you!

"1...Hold the shield 2...while you yield the sword of the Word 3...while you pray."

Do not be rendered ineffective in unforgiveness! Keep this and the above Word as a checkpoint for your heart! Have you been forgiven? Go and do likewise!

Forgiveness 》《 Your Grateful Heart
....Let these be contingent upon one another, back to back, just that close...

Because of your clean heart...your awareness, your 'want to' go further you will be a magnet for miracles...healings! His mighty grace and love pursue you!

"You who are gifted Evangelists (you who are anointed... in the broken place of prayer where the oil of the anointing flows from...this is what breaks the yoke, the very stronghold! Be alert!"

Let it be as a heaven on earth! (Matthew 6:10) healings are where the people are going toward!

2) Meditate on ALL that HEALING means to YOU!

....and in every aspect or portion of your life! Pray.

-What things will this include?
-What things will change for you?
-What things will be renewed?
-What things will now be new?

"Oh my..the salvations. Yes one new thing is to have an altar call first. Forsake all previous schedules. You will stir up angels to do your bidding. Radical excitement in the heavenlies! How important is life to you? Healings (do not leave a stone uncovered or likened to forgetting the little things) If it's not what is healthy, its gonna have God's blessing. The miracles...prepare your hearts for what you could see so that you do not get tangled amidst the awe. Such the maturity on a different sort of level. Obedience and lavish love are the directives...all found in prayer. But the gifts that you are...require the gifts of the Holy Spirit given you...dont forget... and with these salvation...with these healings...with these miracles...limit none! In the moment God will give you the recipe for His greatness!"

...The Holy Spirit can move in any of the offices in healings, but the Evangelist specifically carries these...this is the Word of the Lord to make understood His love for the church! Some healed are coming up, some are coming in, some are staying, some have been there all along. Likewise with the offices...some are laying on of hands as a word of knowledge comes, others are speaking a word and it shall be done and some will lend instruction for your healing. There are no gift mixes.

Fling wide the doors. The church is about to overflow. What need is a hospital without love?

Matthew 10:8...'Freely give. Freely receive.'

3) Instructions...No Destruction....Rather, Construction

Mercies fresh and new. Spoken of so very much, so often, so confirmed...being unlike you think your body to be...feeling like heaven. Yes, you may have monetary care of your health, but to walk in what feels like heaven. Radical, youth-filled renewal as like a child. A flight. A lightness. The continual love that every moment is caught up in. So filled, superfluous, were flesh cannot take all it is to accomplish in its given vessel.

"Whatever waters---Fresh Waters---Whatever depths---Deeper Waters" (Spiritually, not where you destruction!)

"This is the anointing that shall fuel 'Glory To His Name' church and this is the anointing we are moving into prior to its miraculous construction!"

So many do not know this place. Many others know this in the extension of many days. The anointing is being extended, lengthened to walk to teach you how to walk in an 'always kind of place with the Holy Spirit', to teach you what this really means and how limitless God's grace truly is. It's a time for you to hear what the Holy Spirit always longed to do in and for your life. The harvest is ready!

 'Want-To Hear' attitude. Covet to get there, fight, go after, push through, fling wide but let nothing hinder you from getting alone and going deep in prayer. Seek His face. Close the door. Get to Him. Hear His voice. Get to His breaths' scent. Know Him. Get His eyes view so that you have direction. Hear what the Spirit is saying! You are so loved church!

If you have been weak, be strengthened. Lift your head as you hear the voice speaking to you. You are worthy! You are no longer anything less in your hearing!

No unspiritual things, no idleness is about to be apart of the agenda! Prayer powered by joy's (but not merely for the sake of and not deemed less) most precious fellowship but because each one blessed in their own lives radically...and it becomes a place of deep gratitude. Not because of, but the changes of healing and prosperity cannot bear much of the flesh. Your vessel does not welcome it! I saw this very specific in a vision in the church house just some days back. It was glorious!

Walking amidst God's Holy Spirit in the Glory!