Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Sanctuary of Glory

Relationship matters! It's what builds up, builds within, builds from the ground up from a heavenly vision...meaning far greater than a building built by man, though with unity spiritually purposed for all those who love God! 

Some weeks ago, one Sunday morning, God gave to me a vision...a stunning picture! This is radical love! 

Tears of heartwrenching love came to me for all those who are not listening...that you know Gods great love for you...full of unparalleled grace and mercy! 

A spurring on toward greater things and with Godspeed added to your faith of these who hear and believe!

Radical love...is what I saw. He's so close! From afar off distance, then closer, closer still and again...seated at the table high above the dome-like Sanctuary, alight for all the worshipers round about. It was lit up that all see and very large. It was a spectacle before my eyes. It evoked gratitude and a discerning of the Lord's body. It was a symbol of relationship and unity, apart from divided loyalties. 

'God looks down from heaven upon the children of men to see if there are any who understand, who seek God'...Psalm 53:2

'A Father to the Fatherless, a defender of widows is God in His holy habitation. God sets the solitary in families. He brings out those who are bound into prosperity; but the rebellious dwell in a dry land'... Psalm 68:5-6
I traverse the way of righteousness, in the midst of the paths of justice, that I may cause those who love me to inherit wealth, that I may fill their treasuries....Proverbs 8:20-21

Unity of relationship...It will build the house, all houses, your house and 'Glory To His Name' church!

I remembered hearing, 'Rays of light. Raise the light. Shine unto the nations!

'Oh God', I pray...'Give to me wisdom and all that is necessary to build 'Glory To His Name' church.' You are pouring out vision continually...because I hear and ask. I need all manner of the plurality of resources. There is so much to do and I am so excited to do this work! He will give wisdom if we ask. God is a revealer of His love. The doors are opening! 

God both raised up the Lord and will raise us up by His power. (1 Corinthians 6:14)

What was shown me about this 'Sanctuary  of Glory'? 

Raise the light. Be a 'Sanctuary of Light' to shine toward all with great love. A divine warning to share that...He is soooo close! It said, 'Get right church!' A word that says...United we shall be obedient, as many has been asked to give. The doors are opening...that no man can shut! This shall be a 'Sanctuary of Glory'....full of God's love!