Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Limitless Love

He reminded me of this....
Physical Body...A fashioned line cut through upper torso from top to bottom into a diamond-like shape, Seeing through the torso into the bright blue sky  (Vision in the Spirit during Worship 6-18-09) ...saw into eternal glory. The sky is the limit church, and so is the power of God!

Celebration to Come
Able to See
It's a Guarantee
Holiday, Oh the Key
Shine the Light
Brand New to Come
Ahh...On Sunday
(Interpretation of Prayer  6-27-09)

Oh, What a truly limitless love!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Awestruck Wonder!

Oh My Lord! How precious you are to me. My heart cry today is the the very worship you desire. Some years ago I recall waking in the morning with this very same disposition of heart. I want to be what you have desired for me. Oh how long the wait. But right on time. There is a line between those last two sentences penned. Do you see it? Two sides .....but walking down the middle. Let us go in....everyone. Seeking the intimate reflection of the waters of life that we find in prayer. Agape love...poured out. I want you to know and find your way inside. If you have confessed Jesus as your Lord and Savior with your mouth believing in your heart you have and hold dear that precious place with Him in heaven. Then Amen!!! And then be being filled to all fullness of all that He desires for you...Indeed there is more. Oh so much, much more. There's the...filled in the recesses of your being that reality comes to the heavenly place here on earth as in Heaven. He didn't say sit and lie in wait for the day to come. It is here.

Yes, week of Pentecost for all the chosen ones...Yes, indeed You say...To the Jew the All!!! It is signed, sealed and delivered. Glorious outpouring. I hear blessing, honor, glory, health, peace, love,  fullness....outpouring. No more lack. No more turning love petitions into works of death. No messing with the Shepherds. Yes, full bank accounts to us all. Yes, health to us all. Yes, alignment where disfunction has us all. Yes, blessing we call forth from where oppression has tortured us all. No more! God hates humiliation encompassed in oppression. It calls for a shout of Hallelujah....a giant that comes from the recesses of your soul that in your flesh you could not possibly find. Breaks the yoke. Make the impossibility possible. Lord, You make me breathless. Abandonment in prayer, abandonment in worship! Seek him. Allow him. Be. Oh, I recall interpreting in prayer right where we are. Oh how glorious a word! Brings me to my knees in amazement!

Let him. You love so much! So now let Him be and flow in you. To us all. Brokenness is strength unhampered in weakness. Get closely connected, personal, very close to Him in prayer. Shut the door and go inside the resesses of not just any room but into the room with Him. (Matthew 5:6, Matthew 6:6) When you come out tell what you see. A song sung says...My Champion, My Closest Friend, My King of Kings, My Glorious, My Everything! Ha...Chamber music from the throne room. Makes you want to dance and shout. Sing, let him flow over you unto a flood of revelation. Meet Him inside and let Him talk to you and show you things to come (Revelation 4:1) With all creation pray...(Romans 8:21 & 22 , Romans 8:27-29) Elijah went in and closed the door. Woah, did he come out with a miracle! Get awkward, ha...abandon the fluff...that He might see your true softness. Many tears are of nothing but pure joy! Because I see it. He sees it. It's precious. You just "think" it shows weakness and it does not!!!  Ha...oh yes and Amen to the glory of God the King! Don't leave. Indeed blessed are the beautiful feet. Oh, just let me stop right there for a moment. This is near and dear to my heart...That morning I woke...Extravagant Worship! When you enter into that place of such closeness the Lord feeds the poor. There is no waste. There is no lack. And he knows what to do with the leftovers. amen. He serves through us without strain. It's where the miracle of His being just "takes place". And you look about and say...Ha, yes indeed he did and so I give Him all the glory for it! He uses you for the good! Precious in His eyes, oh yes you are! He gave you His eyes to see. He gave you his heart of love. He gave you his hands to heal. He gave you his feet. He gave you breath in your body and zoe life to be and do. Look with your heart. Seek His face. Seek His voice. He is strong enough to hear your ails, your joys, your petitions, your desires, your everything. How I adore you and more than that.... I stand in Awestruck Wonder!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Are You Awake?

I awoke to the reading of Joel. My, my, my....The rain. 2 something a.m. Wind is blowing unlike when I fell asleep. Was still. I was told as I awoke the schemes of the enemy are halted with a greater plan. Praise the Living God! Winds of a great grace are blowing. Oh Lord, I sense you so strong!

Keeps coming to me to say to many...Do not let the suggestions of the enemy put words in your mouth. A simple acknowledgement sends him sailing and its in the wrong boat. You are an overcomer despite what the adversary says. Keep the word of the Lord in your mouth, on your tongue, in your spirit and about  your life always. These can come as human adversaries employed by what looks friendly but only out to rob, steal, kill and destroy. Sensual, earthly and demonic. So much deeper than these words, yet I say to you, ask to discern the spirits.

Not all the rain that falls is wet really and not all the wind that blows is of the true wind of the Holy Ghost. Yet, its coming. The past 2 days I have sensed it, not only in my circumstances but as an outpouring. Things are coming to pass. The new. Drink Him in. The new wine. ( Joel 2:19, Joel 2:24, Acts 2:4, Eph 5:18)

I hear music...loud, fun, celebration, melodic, deep and then very much deeper. Fog in the temple...the kind that overtakes. So much activity, movement but a deepening in the Spirit to places many haven't gone before. It's beautiful out the windows. Crisp. Love is in the air. Real... takes over and every facet of life is blessed.

Go in deeper to a deeper place of prayer. Press into that secret place. He is longing for you. No boundaries any longer...just within the limits of the Lord....oh how vast and oh how pure! It's the time and season to go deeper, reach up and see what is in store. Partake of Him and be filled of His food, His word. His Spirit. Be living in the full animation of the Holy Spirit in your walk, deepening levels in being led of Him. (Romans 8:14) This place can be found no matter. He doesn't hide from you.

Bind on Earth these things that shall be bound in Heaven. And then listen for all creation. Oh my Lord! Loose and release all things precious and of Him in this Earth. Land refreshed. The word says (Philippians 4:6) in every circumstance even to ask; present your definite requests; your wants to God. He clothes the flowers of the field and always cares for us but we often forget about the wants. Would you agree that we have been somehow programmed to think it is wrong and the lie afront the stronghold is perhaps...'someone else surely needs that'. You are right, they do...give it to them. What do you want? Alignment of vision? Amen. Something here on Earth as it is in Heaven? I do. Dreams fulfilled that have been pushed to the resesses of your being for so long you have forgotten what they were? Oh my...let's stir it up and let it be. My dreams are coming true because the word says so. (John 14:14, Philippians 4:13) Petition him...(Psalm 90:15-17, Isaiah 43:26)

Remember that old song from the Carpenters, "I've Only Just Begun"? We do not often realize or remember that there is our more than enough of Him just as we are taught. Our  El Shaddai. Our Jehovah Shammah, He is Infinite and Eternal and Sovereign One. He gives pressed down and running over. Resoration and renewal of all that has been consumed! Return and then some. Oh, How I love you! Oh Glory! Psalm 16:11...Pleasures forevermore.

Saturday, May 01, 2010

The Last of ..."Out of the Past- Forward to Destiny"...New to come

Holy Spirit Speak- December 4, 2008
Third person, three in one. Writers write often in third person that shows the reader an acute or purposed perspective of what the writer is trying to say or how to bring he words off the page. And then you have the voice of the third person of the trinity. Not separate but a part unto the whole. The whole of the scriptures portrays the Holy Spirit's breath. It is not separated from the other two parts. Eternal one all three. One together but balance. He seeks the highest good for all. Acts in agape love. The Holy Spirit said, " If you have seen me, you have seen the Father. The breath of God- the written word. It is the spoken word, the rhema word, employed by the Holy Spirit filled person that has accepted Jesus as their savior to bring about the witness of the love of the Father. He is the truth and the life and the love as in Colossians 2:2 that says...

They are to be encouraged and knit together by strong ties of love. I want them to have complete confidence that they understand God's mysterious plan, which is Christ himself.

...finding full assurance of who you are will bring the fire. That mystery of God in the scriptures. The price was paid through the Son. The Holy Spirit works through His people today. When He speaks there is reverence. Manifest glorious presence......Happiness and healing, joy unspeakable. God said it and so it was, Jesus put it to practice and the Holy Ghost was the fire starter that ignited the flame of power into all blessings we claim of the word.

When spirit is moving and flowing is when enemy wants in. Hell shall return to it's original pit. The church shall rise and the gifts shall be present and where the Holy Ghost shall be the devil will be no longer. The holy order that will take place in purity will be when the spirit of revival collides with the human nature, thus leading of the Holy Ghost will recreate what has been lost in days gone by. A returning of what once was. A blending with the human nature...fullness. Flooding all wrongs and making it all right. Removal of offenses that brings to surface the truth of love. Makes way for movement. If we walk in His light the blood cleanses us from all sin. And so the light shall be.

The word will make perfect that which concerns you. Let me not show partiality or flatter any. Love to all. That the God of peace will make you completely whole. 1 Thes. 5:23 says..May the God of Peace sanctify you completely; and may your whole spirit , soul and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Pull down the strongholds that make your life less than you want. Recognize it, repent and feel the love of God cleanse you. He wants you blessed in the Earth now, not in the sweet by and by. Then you are no good to any, but is the realization of expectation....celebration.......

Revival comes when sloth is killed, sin is shot down, repentance comes, dross is skimmed, truth is spoken, people get real in the spirit; no flesh, control of human nature turns love, love of other grows immense, healing of the father is understood...............when we come as a little that place of glorious happiness. That place I most yearn for in my heart, a place of love, to give back in the spirit what has been given to me. Life.