Sunday, March 27, 2016

Shining Lights

These are those that have the light of life (John 8:12). The Holy Spirit has spoken once, twice and then a third time about "life", this glorious life in the household of faith. I looked and I saw this life in the Spirit, this light. It was not on all but on many. I wanted to speak of its whiteness, though it was not white, corrected in the very moment. It was light, a luminescent rich light. It was not a color. This told of wisdom of the scriptures as this light was clustered in groups that were together. Light cannot be in darkness or make friends with it. This I say not to say that some wete not full of light, but that all that I saw were light. This was all in a moment.  Though often in similarity of an at times lengthy interpretation of spiritual prayer and also at times not so, the same is so with a tiny glimpse, a glance at this incredible glory with many words to interpret it's beauty. For it was not the attire of these precious saints, but a brightness that surrounded many of them, being also in them and also on them. I saw the reality of the representation of true love and righteousness in them. Glory manifest all over the house of God!


There are so many that were not in the house this day, loved, being called in, being called back, being brought back, being upheld in prayer and faith until yours is strengthened to the place of the joy and refreshing ready to meet you just where your heart is hearing. You haven't previously thought of how happy the household of faith shall be upon your already appointed return. Some once walked in darkness, now having seen a great light...and upon them a light has shone (Isaiah 9:2). These are now light of the Lord (Ephesians 5:8). 

Yes, this is that light I saw and was the light in the glory....saw  upon many.  The light is not complete, nor shining with optimal light without you. Not being in this light, you are not yet in the company of all that God has for you, heavenly company, a light away from all that is not.

 You are called out of darkness into His marvelous light (1 Peter 2:9). The door of the heart is open. Let the King of Glory come in and bring the shining light to you, to all of you! 

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Rich Invitations With Love

Awakened in the early morning hours with this message of rich invitations with love…This is His abundant love. He will perfect all that which concerns you with His rich love (Psalm 138:8). Cry out and invite Him in.

Are you worthy of such rich invitations of love? Worthy; valuable, honorable, useful, noting quality, personal merit, honor, deserving admiration, usefulness, excellence. You are called most worthy, highly loved. Receive the rich invitations of love.

When you find your unworthiness He shows you your incredible worth. This worthiness is in truth. It is divine; a divinity unlike anything else. This rich invitation of His great love comes with a ‘knowing’ just how much you are loved, though perhaps not knowing just how to receive this rich invitation. His yoke is easy and His burden is light (Matthew 11:29). Allow his rich invitations of love to take the heaviness of hurts in exchange for a light burden (which seems like no burden at all) unto happiness…a weightless love. This rich invite unto worthiness speaks rightness, a saving, mercies endless; the saving graces of salvation and plainly these are rich invitations and with love everlasting.

Honor and love is told of rich invitations with love given and received. Genesis 24:12-14 tell of him praying and specifically to receive. He made petition in prayer, making an invitation to be open to receive just what he was asking for. Before he finished his prayer in verse 15, his prayer was answered. His prayers were answered as she brought out water and served water to him and his camels. He worshiped out of gratitude of the answered prayer (Genesis 24:26). He lavished her with jewels from the overflow of what God had given to him (verse 22).  He was given a place to rest. Genesis 24:31 proclaims in a rich prophetic invitation of love,“Come in, O blessed of the Lord! Why do you stand outside? I have prepared the house and a place for the camels.” Receive both your salvation to have your place in heaven and come into him; into the knowledge of him, receive him, acknowledge him, confess your belief....the entrance to all things heavenly, but also shelter, care and love and all that is prepared just for you.

He prayed, worshiping and honoring God first. Notice the rich invitations that his prayers met on his arrival. A greater prospering came from those prayers,  even as he prospered. God’s Word says, “I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers” (3 John 2). God wants you to begin prospering, continue prospering and wants is to always be prosperous. All that concerns you is found in Him.

He gives power to the weak. And to those who have no might. He increases strength (Isaiah 40:29). Receive these rich invitations of love and let them be health to your body.

The invitation is rich with love and abundant life. Isaiah 55:1 says“Come to the waters; and you who have no money, come buy and eat. Yes come, buy wine and mile without money and without price.”Free. Life. There is a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life (John 4:14). This is a hungering and a thirsting after righteousness. Blessed are these. They shall be filled (Matthew 5:6). And filled and filled again as you seek His rich love (Ephesians 5:18).

Rich invitations (this place of the heart where your treasure is) to serve with the desires of your heart. What is this that you have received or desire to receive? It is by invitations of love that you serve in this richness of the gifts of God (Romans 12:3-21).

There are rich invitations given in 1 Corinthians 12:4-10 of the diversity of the gifts, ministries and activities of the Holy Spirit.

The love of 1 Corinthians 13 and 1 Corinthians 14 decides your RSVP to the rich invitations of His love.

These that answer the love deposited of this love invitation to some He gives some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists and some pastors and teachers (Ephesians 4:11).

For as many are led of these divine invitations of love of the Word of God…led by the Spirit of God these are sons of God (Romans 8:14). The Spirit bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God (Romans 8:16-17).

When you have eaten (spiritual food of the Word) and are full, then you shall bless the Lord your God for the good land He has given you (Deuteronomy 8:10). Don’t forget about the rich invitation of love…the invitation to salvation, and even living and breathing in the heavenly realm here in this earth, separated and called precious ones of God. Don’t forget when your soul, heart, life and ministry are blessed in His richness, in the rich invitation given to always serve, to worship. Don’t forget the rich invitation of love when you are multiplied and all that you have is multiplied. (Deuteronomy 8: 11-15).

These are your rich invitations of love! In this resurrection week ask what rich invitations of love he can answer, you can receive, you have received, you can extend. Jesus said in John 11:25 “I am the resurrection and the life.” Verse 26 says“And whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die. Do you believe this?”

One must receive the Word of God as truth; allow the invitation to touch your heart. Come inside to His heart. Receive His loving invitation. Move that stone out of the way by letting go, receiving His forgiveness, letting go of all of the pain that God took for you so very long ago on the cross if you only let Him take it. Use His example of faith. He thanked God ahead of time that his prayers were heard, that the rich invitation he petitioned that those standing by, that they too would believe. He shouted with a loud voice commanding His loved one to rise up from the dead with resurrection life (John 11:43).

Invitation received. Life! Life! Resurrection life! This is of the miraculous, a life from the dead place that lacked love. Now strengthen this one wrapped up and bound. Unwrap this rich invitation answered of love, that was always purposed of love and now can extend the same rich invitations with love. ..If only amidst all the great excitement of this precious life now raised from the dead this one could speak, could walk and could move about. Remove the unnecessary clothes once wrapped in. No longer necessary. God is a God of life! There is always more life breathing purposes in God’s rich invitations with love!