Friday, December 30, 2011

Scripts For The New Year

Long-held word.  Purposed for now.
Vexing has taken place in the Spirit, mattering to God.
A woman being both savvy, carrying a political genre, though beneath, wildly covetous…one who stands behind a man troubled. I see this as both specific and allegorical or figurative. The fight is soon over. Held back blessing where there has been lack of humility. God’s Spirit is infuriated with this continual inadvertent downgrading of the Men of God! She has swooned you with her false power, deceived many, causing division and will discount any necessary repentance. Least likely, greatest friend, holding provisions yet plotting with carefulness to take all blessing until you are awakened to see you have nothing. Encompassing the action of a friend, though offering nothing, sending you away empty handed. Entering not, yet holding back the blessing to those that which carry a blessing for those who are, making others twice the sons of hell as themselves. Repent quickly to make right that which you may have held back.    
Though be not deceived. There is a charge taken but without authority and without right love given. When you see many who call themselves Lord you will surely discern rightly. Certainly when you see someone who does not acknowledge the gifts or the gift of God within, yet calls themselves ‘Lord’, standing in the Holy Place of God you will know that time is short and repentance is of the essence.
That thing that lies just behind the stronghold is this…the control of rebellion that seems to make for the stronger case. It stirs and prods on until operating in witchcraft. Strains out the latter or the lesser for the former. You have won nothing but have been given so much. There is frivolity among many.  
The following was quoted of another and I believe it carries a message though one different than it read. It was said that the following was given from a messenger….
“Ambition among Believers opens the door for suspicion; suspicion brings competition; and competition breeds division. When these are present, it will motivate leaders to discredit or undermine those they feel threatened by. It will actually disqualify some and cannot exist in the heart of the generation that God entrusts spiritual power and true authority to.”
The above is worth the unraveling. Ambition must be discerned rightly. Ambition is willingness and perhaps determination. Is it selfless or selfish and by whose standard of measure? Have you communicated your heart? Should you not shut the door of suspicion? Competition is the first red flag that on the surface often lacks love. Is it not the breeder of manipulation? Will you allow the heart of a leader within to take the bait of threatening or be one to openly discredit or undermine wrongfully? Disqualification comes often from maliciousness but not from God. God entrusts spiritual power and true authority to those who believe and leaders well know that ambition is that of a leader. The enemy seeks to rob, steal, kill and destroy. Watch and pay mind to the messenger. Watch your life and guard your heart. The enemies' plan is to divide leader and cause a lack of love.

There is an eagerness that awaits for the revealing of love. Let it take the place of reverence in your heart… a good thing, bringing to you the anointed provision, no longer allowing deceptions to hold you down. This thing that desires your very soul is not of God. It chants curses against you rather than prays for you. It speaks down of you while acting your friend. It seeks to destroy family while the needy cry out for necessary provision.

True worshipers will readily rise up in recognition that will pave the way of love for even the witness of the children of God. This is as much to be a blessing as to be blessed.

If you hide from God, I ask, what blessing do you have? Did your testimony of truth exalt you from the hand of God or did you make the decision to take it and call it your own?

The Scripts say this…When He returns he will choose you and bless you and the wait will not have been futile or in vain. By this, a blessing to you before the return of Christ, to use now in heavenly places just as on Earth as it is in Heaven.

Every evil set up is commanded shut down that is not of God’s will. You who stand behind but do not lift up to bless others have not the authority to continue in that way.

Substantial deceits will be used in a moments notice for a turn around. To be repentance and recovered blessing of all that you have not gained in your stance of elongated faith. God sees the held back provision and the necessity to be and do.

Siding with death never got the prize that you seek. God sees there has been a desert place. Difficulty shows itself when the unrighteous things standing against you believes you are opening a door just for them. To pretend to sell off is equally painful to you and to others.

You have done me no wrong but only to yourself. God says, “You did not know me”. Let’s start over with a fresh script for the Yew Year.   

God really, really loves you!  


Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Encourage Mint!

I pray that these words leap from the page and out of the turmoil to bless and to heal. There is wreckage in the spiritual places of the heart. God says...Get a grip! Get a grip on the Word of God that is, and who you are in God. Stop whimsical falsivities from invading the festivities of the oh so very precious minds of the Spirit. Shut off control in the spiritual matters that you can see what came to steal from the heart. It has looked as if it were a giving invitation and that thing you discern, in truth was a lie. Acknowledge it, forget it, realize what it was about and move onto what God really has for you. I speak to you from a long range of experience. I have put up with, given until I bled and hung on in a manner that could only be accounted to as faith. I speak from a place of held back blessing that so longs to give. I know you know this place in your own lives.

It is the perfect time of year to reflect on where we have come from and what we have learned from in the toughest of circumstances...having nothing yet possessing so much. This is to realize as much even in our riches that we are also poor, blind and naked. This realization takes us further. There is such a child-like spirit necessary to awaken the Spirit's love in the church. There seems a nearly detrimental need. It cannot be denied. We have to take hold of God's heart and come bringing yourself into the church house filled anew to overflow no matter what thinks it tries you, if for no other reason than you cannot hardly wait to see the brethren. Leave all that outside and come together. There is time and place within, within your heart and within the spiritual places to share what ails you to pray and be encouraged and to be of encouragement to others. I am not talking about hypocrisy. Judge your heart. You will see a boost in worship. You will see change when you do this! And everyone around you will as well. Let it be "gone are the days" when you arrive to fellowship seeing your head hung and sensing the mundane spirit. Freshness! No nodding your head at sameness. No less lively introductions to that new face. When you get out of that car and walk into the church house you need to be breath taken at the palace that it was built to be, all the while bringing within it, your spiritual house and realizing just what that means. These are the VASTLY important and PRECIOUS things in the sight of God. These are the things in love that will manifest love again and again, allowing you to hear the Word of God that is spoken. This attitude of gratitude and love removes negativity from past words spoken that may have been served up to cause fear. Fear is not of God. When a godly fear does come you will be able to discern it and won't be able to deny it, being a repentant kind of fear that is to bless your heart. Keeping yourself in this manner opens you to spiritual vision. Then when its real, this is a kind of repentant heart that furthers the church.

Happening in the heart, happening on your knees makes for a happening church! It is God's heart for you to know how very happy this really is that which I speak. There have been many false doctrines and personal words given that were given in encouragement but without the understanding of how to receive and how to discern or how to judge the matter for yourselves amidst all of the deep enterage of discouragement. It aught not be and does not have to be.

There, rather, needs to be once again great big peals of laughter. Families are broken and not only mine. Feasts of love set aside for no good purpose- folding because it seems there isn't enough. Smile really big once more in the "knowing" that the scriptures we live and breathe says our God that we know owns cattle on a thousand hills. Somehow it is written that the church wins! Begin with the solution to see the profit! It is in the Word. Listen when I say that when the Word is so full in you, then be encouraged, because nothing can steal your joy. You will have such immeasurable times of joy, enough to spill onto others in times of meeting together, when you dig into God's Word. Someone will come to you full of grace holding the answer for you. I tell you it is so...God loves, loves, loves a cheerful giver and there is victory in it! Attitudes of the heart pour into every other area. God intends blessing. Hand to others smiles, love, big hugs and to the ones who never get them! God loves a contrite heart and don't you know that this brings thoughtful repentance when love is shared! We come together to get things accomplished and when it is done in love, Oh Glory! Acting as if you miss one another, because you know you do, and bring that child-like excitement that can't wait to see each other again! Oh, how I love you. Be the blessing bringer, the Encourage Mint! I am. And I literally cannot wait to see you again!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Heavenly March

Yes, a little love goes a long way. Hear the message I am carrying to you this morning!

As a little girl, there was a piece of playground equipment at the park where I played. To this day I don't know of another piece of playground equipment quite like this one. At times I was quite saddened because if I were there alone I couldn't really play on this one because it was one that had to have at least two other people to play on it with you. It had a tall, overwelming pole in the middle, about twenty feet tall with rotating double handled swings. It would best resemble the large flying swings you would see at the state or county fair. Though this is not a swing you sat in, each person is stationed having a handle to grab onto. You would place one hand on the top bar and one hand on the bottom bar. Others would be ajacent to you, meaning across from one another. You would begin to run as fast as you could around in a circle, until picking up enough speed, you would begin to lift off the ground and fly suspended in air. Are you seeing this? It was very fun as I recall. At times I remember flying so fast that we would be ten or more feet up in the air. It was absolutely exhilarating! There were only a few things that caused the fun to cease. One was that from hanging on so long, your hands would begin to slip or the others would decide they were going to stop and so it would cause everyone to come to a resting point until everyone decided to resume the fun. In essence it's the same with God. He is constantly calling us into fellowship with Him. This is a centripetal force that means to seek the center as the force draws the planets. These forces are free or autonomous of one another. An act of obedience in one area harmonized with another causes prosperity. When one person decided they were tired or their hands couldn't hold on any longer and they needed a rest, everyone had to take a rest because there was no unity in playing until everyone decided at the same time to play again and then we would all be back up in the air.

I could relate to this in a great way. From a place of mediocrity God blew me up and out of my seat with literally a force of energy that was so exciting and filled me so full of knowledge. It was during these  times of great revelation that God has shown me that there is a need to come forth with anointing and blessing and fervancy. You never ever forget when its real. Will a few of you grab hold of the other handles of the swing so we can all play? Within a moment's notice we can all be sensing great healing in the spirit because we are in unity. Inside the unity of the spirit is where the healing takes place.  

Asking what it is I really need and want to being to you, these that are of my heart...irresistible and inexpressible joy, love, encouragement, motivation, newness, to root out wrong thinking, laughter, lucrativeness to what has only seemed to have been lost. A desire to draw on uniqueness of each of you that blesses and keeps you. And to bring a sound that cultivates worship, magnifying the Lord, giving the glory due His name. I hear that there is a double blessing and a precious way. First, God says to find your identity in Him alone. When I get there God will give me what I need to give to you. There is so much more. It's in my being a vessel, allowing God to speak to me and then to give to each of you. There is so much surprise in what He wants to do. I just know it! And most of all...I believe it! I believe it for you and with you!  

March 20th of this year I turned 41. Age doesn't matter to me because I will forever remain young at heart, so I don't mind sharing. But on that day I walked into fellowship with a gift, with an anointing and with an insurpassible grace to give beyond anything I have ever felt! Eight months later I can still recollect that day. It wasn't simply being excited because it was my birthday and at my favorite place, but rather because I knew there was alignment in an extraordinary way to cause viable blessing to be present. The enemies' plan to cause harm in a movement like that is always brought to naught. It truly was a heavenly march/March that day. Though all purposed of God did not take place that day, I am reminded that much did take place and it was to His glory!       

Proverbs 3:18 says...She is a tree of life to those who take hold of her, And happy are all who retain her.

Fellowship longs to be restored! I am to be helping set up kingdom with encouragement. Financial state of the 'way it seems' does not render verdict for the victorious church that we are. It's time to set things straight and flow freely in blessing, Glory and Amen! I love you all and miss you! And more than that I am so very thankful for you all this day. I love you. 

Happy Thanksgiving!

Saturday, November 05, 2011

Hearts Deepest Parts

One cool morning on the way to church, as I recall, it was unusually quiet and this story came to me to share. I ran in the church and took a seat and began to scribble down what I knew to write not thinking much more of it. Remembering a few days ago and rereading I believed it was to share here. There is still a message. There's something in it for you, no matter its simplicity.

There once was a noble king, though knowing it not, his heart was daunted with a sense of unworthiness because of generations long ago. Perhaps places he had been or how life had been encountered over much time. This ailed his mind often, not realizing truly who he was. God so desired to give to him, unlike anything he could imagine, his greatest desires. Wrong voices were constant in lulling him, trying to create pride, to deceive him, showing him by serving man was the way. Outwardly this unknown king came from a place without all of the good things in life. It weighed upon his mind at times. Still, one having a heart, it could hardly be restrained the heaviness on the inside of the pain and wreckage and scattering; even of nations before his eyes. Mindfully and in his heart, he held in his hands a great responsibility he knew not what to do with. One glorious but quiet night he was given a locket. God knowing the king within him, knowing his thoughts, knew he would ask himself "Whatever will I do with this without a key?" He had been given the key of life, but realized not the offer. Kingly life, power, wealth, life, wisdom and honor in God. It all belongs to him. It was forever in his heart that he had to do it all because of his position. There were the righteous to offer help but somehow he could never relinquish the debt fully to help take this burden that taxed his heart so heavily each day. God wanted him to see. The key was, in part, within and was full of love. It was in his make up. Until now, this king had been set aside unknowingly all that he was purposed to be. Wealth that included gold but was far greater even than gold. It could not manifest as a key to him until unlocking the mystery of his heart to know that love would show the way and be the key to unlock that which he saw in his dream. God has shown him he has already given power and ability to love many by not withholding onto the desires of his heart. He could go as far as he wanted in God and all deceptions put away. Much love released to others. All the strongholds of the city began to fall because of the lie that was now turned to truth. Life was produced and there was bounty in the land... past, present and future.     
~Written originally in the latter half of 2010~

Posted 1:53pm

Saturday, October 29, 2011

The Anointing...It's For You!!!

God's Everlasting Love is for you! Romans 8:31 says...(AND I SHOUT!)...WHAT THEN SHALL WE SAY TO THESE THINGS? IF GOD IS FOR US, WHO CAN BE AGAINST US? Allow that to bless your heart with love. Perfect love casts out all fear (1 John 1:18) that you receive this kind of love.

God wants to bless, bless, bless and not with less, but with more. More understanding, that which is received into the heart, not that which is unregenerated toward less than life abundantly intended.  

The anointing breaks every yoke and in the moment healing comes that could not have been planned for. The anointing is love...Oh, how I long to explain in greater measure the greatness of the love of God. Ephesians 3:19-20 says it know the love of Christ which passes knowledge; that you may be filled with all the fullness of God. Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us...reminds me of a song. Do you know that when you hear things twice in a row that God is speaking to you through the Spirit? Even as I write so full of love to share, I recall promises in the Word of God for me given long ago. Those promises are many and each in different measure. Here I will share what you are to know...

John 14:12-14 says... "Most assuredly, I say (INSERT YOUR NAME) to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father. And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do that the Father may be glorified in the son. If you ask anything in My name, I will do it."  

In the completion there is an extention of grace, of mercy of peace, of love, of abundance, but mostly of expectation of what we already know is the truth. It is written! Promises that bring us out of the mundane, above the 'It isn't ever going to happen!(disbelief)' into the 'i have the answer already(belief). A hand extended with great intention full on with blessing. 

The anointing seeks to bless you when that spontaneous love happens in your heart that no one could have shown you had it not been God. You, perhaps have not seen or understand until now or until that point in time. But you will know. 1 John 2:27 says...But the anointing which you have received from Him abides in you, and you do not need that anyone teach you; but as the same anointing teach but as all things, and is true, and is not a lie, and just as it has taught you, you will abide in Him. It is not that you need no teaching. For these things I can comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God (Romans 10:17) Keeping a contrite, teachable spirit lends an ear to the blessing your heart desires most...allows your spirit to be guided by your bent or way of learning. The very thing that will water your soul where it is needed most. God is easy and loving that way.    

Just now I hear..."The anointing holds the present, the gift which you desire to unwrap and make use". In the simple of what is given here you can easily say that you being a gift of God and created by God, holding a package in your hands (or desiring that gift) you unwrap receiving in that moment what was always just for you! Opening the package can be as with the ease of removing the pretty wrapping that was packaged for you too see the surprise within or even the visual of a small child tearing away the wrapping with great excitement to see what's inside. We are all to become as little children. There is a maturity in the use of the anointing but there is also a child like faith that is so precious in the sight of God. The designations of the Father to bring unity to the heart of man. There is so many surprises that await those with a heart of expectant love. 

I pray now that death, hell and the grave and all things that which do not edify your heart soul and mind are broken from your view right now in Jesus Name! That you might too, see as He sees and as I have seen from that which has been given in the path that has been given to walk... right into the blessing that you have so longed for. See above! Ask anything. Ask anything. No strongholds, lack or limitations is what God so longs to give. 

There is no past regret. There is no guilt. There is no shame. Prayer removes the pain that held in these things you have seen as missed. Should it have been in your life and you have recollection of it as a blessing, then not to be concerned with those things that daunt the heart, the blessing will return to you and be all and more than that...greater than you could have ever imagined. So often the enemy of your faith tells you it was not for you. If imparted blessing, aligned of the word, spoken of the truth in Spirit its on the way but not by means often as we might believe. One thing I know, God is the author of surprises and as much as a child like faith as to receive them that being more than willing to share there is blessings untold and unheard of in the receiving of them. For it has been said ...His mercy endureth forever and ever!

God wants to bring about fervor and favor to your heart, mind and spirit with a fervant, incredible kind of love that is nearly inexpressible with words, yet defined with greatness. An opened arms love that melts all pain that's seemingly and yet not in the moment...held back your every want. A message that removes darkness that has not allowed light to make way for love to be received. The allowance of tenderness to touch your spirit in sweet measure that has never been understood until that moment.

The anointing is given in the way of need, a gift desired, healing necessary, on bended knee, by confessions of the heart, in precious moments, with spiritual refreshment, a song of the spirit, in a vision received, in an outstretched arm...only by way of love.

The's for you!     

Posted 2:09pm

See also Post dated 7/11/2011 

Saturday, October 22, 2011


No plight is too much for God. Removal of the vexation of the heart that allows not the blessing attaching to the mind of God; the heart of God. That mind that which is given to you. The blessing bringer of prayers prayed full of grace. 

Psalm 37:4 (New Living Version) Be happy in the Lord. And He will give you the desires of your heart...Delight yourself also in the Lord, and He will give you the desires and secret petitions of your heart (Amplified) Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you your heart’s desires (New Living Translation) 

I'm praying for you right now that each time you read His words over again that your heart soften in places you never thought possible or knew not were hardened by those enigmas that try you. I pray that in your seeking you certainly find clarity and reception of God's love toward you that you may have never been able to receive before. That your heart suddenly become lighter even in the search of happiness in finding God's true heart of love for you. He hears and responds to your every desire. 

Know that you are loved. It will make you happy. Supplications of many days ago, requested of the heart become real. His word says it is so. Believe it. Find yourself in love with God. In your seeking you will find that the more love you give to God, the more love He'll give back and it becomes that you are overwelmed in your desire for God...then He gives you answers, dreams, fulfilling your heart. Making all things easier than you once thought possible. Your desire for Him becomes an inability to do without His love. The more you seek, the more you know just how real He wants to give your desires to you. Find your love in Him that He might wait no longer in the overflow of blessing. It hurts His heart to wait should your heart not take delight in Him.

May you have all your hearts' desires. This too is the heart of God for you. He desires greatly for you to have and wants you to know that. He does not only see your needs, which are never forgotten but too, sees the hearts' desires of many and longs to be the blessing you so long for. I ask that God make a grand entrance into your heart fresh and be the miracle maker in not only your need but also the desires of your heart and mine.

Delight yourself in Him! He is the greatest desire. 

Posted at 1:04pm

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

There He Was, There We Were, There We Are

Heart so full with love this morning. Much more to share than can be written here. It is heard that God wants to reveal mighty things to the people of God, those even that are called forth into the kingdom that will answer. There is a crying out for it.

Psalm 40:5b says...And Your thoughts toward us Cannot be recounted to You in order If I would declare and speak of them, They are more than can be numbered. 

Psalm 139:17 says...How precious also are Your thoughts to me, O God! How great is the sum of them!

There they stood. He was there. There was unity; though lack of communication even in the explanation of how the vision came to pass. Profound love in that moment. Instantly a new song could flood the house with a victorious love that unifies and removes every daunting hurt that does not alighn of love, the kind that casts out all fears never meant for ones on such holy ground. A piece of the understanding of the peace of God surpassing what we can understand. Erasing all that which was missed, completely closing the door on all shame, guilt and pain that has been brought wrongfully. Vindication being brought forth, even from the prayers that have been poured so tirelessly. The tears that have been cried endlessly. A reaping in joy. Yes, full with love...without effort. Brought out of the waters of life and a flowing forth that fills the house, the sanctuary of the spirit even with a love that has never been known. The source is past finding out. Redemption of hearts, visions, minds...eye to eye. Light that graces the house that brings blessing. Every fiber of the church feeling no loss; no lack, no limit. No limit of love. There is no search when you ask for the place where the flow is effortlessly given. Transforming transfer of love. Firelit path of God. Right there in your heart. Hidden, but then revealed. Much greater than self. Point of extension. Reception of love. The maker of all that has wronged; completing the pain that was with love that life be and hurt be no more about the dearly loved church.  Sweet softness of love that envelopes the heart where there is a forgotten place of harm. Words take on new meaning. Order just is. The bride wants to know the spotless covering; the washing of love over her, even as worship is poured forth through the new song coming forth. New realms dissolving imperfections, that hinder. Fullness of understanding.  Anointings  poured forth like sweet smelling purfume as love aligns the place. Love lines the house...all over the house. 

There He Was. There We Were. There We Are.

Posted this morning 11:27am       

Sunday, October 16, 2011


Good Morning! It's Sunday and I sense blessings are about to happen.  

Word- "Release" (freedom; unhampered contraint), worship untainted, unrestrained. 

Let's say it's Friday night. Air is cool. Dresssed for warmth. Blankets in hand. Hot chocolate or coffee in the other. You arrive at the Homecoming game hearing the band play. Teams run out onto the playing field. Crowds go wild. As the game goes on you realize something is not quite right. The defense is building a good wall but there is nothing on the scoreboard. The excitement of the game is waning. This is what happens in the church when there is "offense", as in the taking the bait of offense. There is no score in offense. The team can't work together. There is no unity. There are problems. The coach gets frustrated, the plays aren't strategic. Even the wall of defense that is there for good purpose falters and more often than we know, there is a brokenness that the enemy wants to leave us shaking our heads at how to improve the game at this point. The team individually is less than encouraged and the unity cannot operate collectively if the individual players are not geared up and ready to play. There is a blockage to unity...a blockage to revival. The team is injured spiritually. A team put together with missing parts, missing the flow of what God wants to accomplish in them. In the warring, the tactic of love is missing. There is a stirring of gifts in the church that God institutes but it is minus offenses. Your enemy makes it look as if you are fighting the good fight with your team while in the process you fight against the ones that are for you, your very own teammates. Moreover, the teammates turn against one another in the deception and no one is in the state of gaining victory. Oppression is thick. Deceptions go on so long that it 'looks' as if nothing will ever change. The church grows weak in the walk. Those causing the offense have continued in their unhealed state so long that rebellion seems a mainstay. Seems it has spread like a disease of which was never intended. How does it get this way? The enemy wants to hide the symptoms so as to not discern truth.  They are lack of love, disunity, unreceptiveness, unfriendliness, divisions, dullness of spirit, clicks, slightedness that seeps in to create a slow depression. It effects fellowship, giving, hospitality, honor, love and the greatest of all encouragements; Worship! Always the small lies that build up that try to hide the actual that is huge in the heart or spirit. If your spirit is offended you can hardly play the game without renewing the mind and refreshing yourself that there is once again flow of God in and through you. 

Recovery now that you might extend yourself in worship and to others. Then great rejoicing and fullness meet together and great and powerful and mighty miracles take place in great manifestation. The Holy  Spirit can fill your hearts with grandiose worship and there be a flow of miraculous without all that is unnecessary. There is so much love that awaits in the church and individually in hearts that know it not. Don't be restrained from the lies that are heard and the truth that is not. Press in and be unhindered from what is not truly yours and have what is truly yours. Let your countenance be blessed with love flowing outward from your heart and spirit. You will begin to see different kinds of love appear in your life that you never dreamed possible or perhaps you have but didn't believe it was really for you.  You looked as though you possessed the ability but now you know that you know that is in your possession because the offense is no longer hindering your spiritual vision of the heart and you are in right standing with God. Your heart can see and know that all you have desired can become reality and that it can be that 'heaven on earth' you only thought possible. 

You will have your Beloved in every area of love that your Beloved is sought for. There is flow in the search, healing in hearts, mending of all hurts, forgiveness driving the way and will find what you are looking for. You no longer feel lovesick. Suddenly!         

Monday, October 10, 2011

Have Your Way Flow

As you enter into His presence and the depth of His love covers your spirit amazing things take place in the Spirit realm. Love has the ability, the flow to overtake whether or not you were open to it or not. When God opens a door, no man can shut it. The enemy of your faith has no power over it. The tugging turns into victory. When God is on the inside and all around then the side God is on tugs harder and you will inevitably get blessed by falling in...falling not into the mud, but into the river of life. Then letting it flow up and outward from the inside is where many others are blessed.

Last week it was said "Cat and mouse" games in the church are over. You might ask, where is that in the word? All over it. It resides in love. If you will not let yourself loose, let God. You can act in freedom and it be not in love with others. Find yourself in real love. If you run from fellowship because you fear, you are deceived. If you do not meet together in love because of a man's control, God have mercy on you that you not be offended when I boldly rebuke you. Know that it will be full of love. You are holding the church back. Bring the blessing and your miracle resides in it. God is calling the church higher and its not too tough...its easy. Love is not daunting and fearful. Your fear shows itself in fruit of its presence. This isn't the presence you want within. You can have a gracious way but God sees the attitudes of the heart. Where are you in this love walk?

Political venues are accounted as less than desireable, are not moving the church forward, but rather pulling it down. Yes, indeed, contrast or opposites can be a magnet for blessings. I say 'Do not give up'! I was given a vision of looking into eyes. They were of love but they lacked enough to give the blessing. An envy that feared lack of blessing, not completely in love. And then so many bounce off of or war against from a word given without accurate knowledge of truth. When you test the spirits, you must allow for grace to be given and received on many levels or you are opening a door of offense and a larger door for error. Reread that last sentence many times over before going on. If you cannot receive the grace of God, you cannot receive the blessing. Receive the grace of God and receive the blessing.

Flow in God's Spirit and all things become new. You realize blessings being given and in it you are given so much love you barely know what to do with it.

Inspired October 7th & 8th, 2011. Song (Shana Wilson-"Have Your Way Flow") inspired October 9th, 2011. Written October 10th, 2011. Posted at 12:30pm

Monday, September 05, 2011

Harmonius Values

For His anger is but for a moment, His favor is for life; Weeping may endure for a night, But joy comes in the morning....says Psalm 30:5 

Victory comes from on high!

Psalm 118: 13-15 says...You pushed me violently, that I might fall, But the Lord helped me. The Lord is my strength and song, And He has become my salvation. The voices of rejoicing and salvation is in the tents of the righteous; The right hand of the Lord does valiantly. The right hand of the Lord is exalted; The right hand of the Lord does valiantly

John 14:13-14 says...And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask anything in My name, I will do it.   

...These are the 'twice in a rows' that never cease to bless.

Psalm 63:3 says...Because Your lovingkindness is better than life, My lips shall praise you.

And honor shall testify and will be saving graces to the unseen and justice to ones who have endured and against the enemy that has come against. The Lord is not slack or lack of understanding. 

Let go and the let the almighty power of the Holy Spirit flood your person like a mighty rushing river where all that does not bless; all disease is no longer. This is God and God is good. There truly is a place in God the devil dare not go...yet he is commanded to flee. This is the place. It's a place that you let go and let God...not only a place to do this but a place that things get accomplished in the arenas that the physical cannot touch without the Spirit, that truth can shine forth and cause greater blessing. There is no harm in this place. Only blessing. God cannot be anything but a blessing. It's the place the soul is healed and what has taken years to fill the natural mind and of the soul , the Spirit of God can do in the spontaneity of the moment. On a more practical example, it is where gravity meets land. God brings it no matter and we are just here to receive it. It pulls down the strongholds that hold back the things of God, shuts off that which is not and allows movement to take place unto the good. Make no mistake...God is a multifacited lover of the people and where love is not given rightly there is no truth in victory. But when the anointed of God shows up, the blessing flows forth and magnetic things take place in the spiritual places in God. God even says...touch not thine anointed! There is no logic to be found in this, yet a command that must be headed that the anointing go forth to others. In part, this is humility allowing God to do what you know only He can do and in part this is also standing in the victory that is already wrought for you and for me. In many ways, it is like this....If you cannot stand under, you are at a loss of understanding. But God! It is what keeps the candle burning bright! 

Let it be said by faith, finished and covering words of the past stirred as not to bless as it is spoken in Numbers 23:24...For there is no sorcery against Jacob, Nor any devination against Israel. It now must be said of Jacob And of Israel, 'Oh What God has done!' Freedom!!! 

Let us see together and sing together and be harmoniously valient in and for our God!         

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Sunday, August 28, 2011

I Loved You Even If And I'll Love You When...

I loved you even's Sunday morning and I don't have sweet fellowship with you in person.... Even if my heart breaks to see your healing be..... Even if I had so many things to share with you....Even if you don't believe in the 'He' in me.... Even if the enemy has lied to you that you should fear me.... Even if you have looked at the outward appearance of man and not at the heart, I believed in you.... Even if you were in fear because I once was in the same place.... Even if you don't want to go the same places I do.... Even if I don't mean half as much to you as you do to me.... Even if you don't know what to do with spirit-filled emotion.... Even if you thought my only ministry is that which you read and truly only a small portion.... Even if you wouldn't converse with me.... Even when you call a thousand times and hang up and never leave a message..... Even when you cursed me from across the desk and I still went home and prayed.... Even if you may have taken me as a fool and secretly thinking me weak.... Even if you didn't realize God gives such open doors if we just walk through them.... Even if you believed you stole my dreams.... Even if you knew not how to receive your healing and wouldn't let me show you.... Even if you didn't pray selflessly.... Even if you spoke and I believed and you used it against me.... Even when you have threatened my whole family.... Even if riches was more important to you than first finding the abundance in God offered that includes riches.... Even if you haven't found that place of weakness that truly blesses.... Even if I haven't found that exact timing that breaks every yoke off of you because it is in the anointing that I so longed to share. Even if you took things from me that really wasn't what you were looking for at heart.... Even if you didn't know the great joy in my heart when I see you...Even if knowing what's for you aside from everything that is against you.... Even if I asked you to pray for me because I saw something in you and you didn't.... Even if I didn't have enough of what you needed at any given time...Even if you wouldn't let me explain.... Even if you shoved my hands away when I was praying for another because you didn't believe in God's healing power.... Even if  I really needed your help and you didn't come... Even if I wasn't the right size to suit you or for ministry.... Even if I couldn't get to you when you needed me the most... Even if I sinned against you unknowingly, I loved you.... Even if I was too organized or disorganized for you.... Even if I didn't give you what you wanted when you believed it was for you.... Even if you have disrespected me in many ways.... Even if you have taken part in trying to make me someone I am not... Even if you told lies about me to gain advantage.... Even if I tried to always think the best of  you... Even if you couldn't see the hours I spent in prayer for you.... Even if you simply closed the eyes of your heart off because it was easier.... Even if your flesh didn't want to be free of the disease that so badly wants you.... Even if you have sent me thousands of emails knowing I just wanted to see you face to face, not realizing who I really am....Even if you haven't responded to me.... Even if you wanted something from me but was too scared to just ask.... Even if you cared less than you said you did.... Even if I told you the truth and you thought it a lie.... Even if you don't trust God.... Even if you don't know God in your life.... Even if I have heard endless negative that will be turned around.... Even if you didn't choose me.... Even if you have used me to get your way I still want blessing rightly for you.... Even if you prayed against me often with a wrong spirit.... Even if you believe the worst is for you, I loved you and will continue to do so until you see the lie.... Even if you only wanted pride for me I still loved you.... Even when you hurt me and smiled about it...I still loved you.  Even if I wanted something less than you thought...Even if you thought you were less than and just didn't know....Even if you have done your best to kill me...Even if you don't want to see blessing come to me and my family...Even if you have a mentality that nothing is ever enough to satisfy, I will still love you until it leaves you  and you realize what God really wants for you....Even if I was considered wrong to make things right, I still loved you....   If you hold any of these, I loved you even if...

I will love you when I see you in person on Sunday mornings and we'll have sweet fellowship.....I will love you when my heart breaks in a good way in knowing that your heart is healed.... I will love you when you allow me to share many things with you....I will love you when you believe in the God in me...I will love you when you no longer fear me....I will love you when the outward appearance no longer matters to you but the heart of the Father....I will love you when you can share your same fears that once were but no longer are an issue....I will love you when you don't want to go the same places with me but we will enjoy it no matter....I will love you when I mean as much to you as you do to me...I will love you even when you may not know what to do with such spirit filled emotion...I will love you when my ministry has grown exceedingly far beyond writing this blog for several years.....I will love you when you converse with me.....I will love you when you call and chat because God has things to say to you.....I will love you when you have spoken so ill of me, but you won't walk on me any longer, though I'd pray if it were your need.... I will love you when you stop taking me for a fool.....I will love you when you realize there are open doors to walk through and I will hold your hand....I will love you when you be with me in my dreams and I in yours....I will love you when you will let me show you how to receive your healing....I will love you when you pray with aligned hearts...I will love you when we have agreement....I will love you when you accept me without presumption....I will love you when you see the abundance God offers through His riches..... I will love you when you find that place of weakness that truly blesses....I will love you when the moment is found that breaks every yoke because of the anointing I have so longed to share....I will love you when you find what you are looking for in your heart...I will love you when you see the great joy in my heart....I will love you when you have knowing of what's for you aside from everything that was against you....I will love you when you will truly pray for me because I know it is in you....I will love you when you know I am enough to meet your need... I will love you when you let me explain.....I will love you when you realize God's healing power....I will love you when you help meet my needs....I will love you when you realize I am suited for you and for ministry.....I will love you just when you need me the most....I will love you when you forgive any sin I may have committed toward you....I will love you when I am just right for you....I will love you when I can give you what you need when it is right on time and on target....I will love you when you respect me for who I am....I will love you when you love me for who God has made me and not mere perception....I will love you when you tell the truth about me....I will love you when I think the best of you....I will love you when you realize the hours I have spent in prayer for you....I will love you when the eyes of your heart see me.....I will love you when we rejoice together that you are free of the disease that no longer has you ....I will love you when you see that God in me wants more than an email.....I will love you when there is response....I will love you when you know who I really am....I will love you when you want something and you simply and confidently ask....I will love you when you care more for me than you ever have.... I will love you when you know I truly care for you....I will love you when you trust God....I will love you when you know God in your life....I will love you when all the negative is turned to positive.....I will love you when you choose me....I will love you when I can give to you what you need rightly to bless you....I will love you when you pray rightly for me...I will love you when you see the best was for you all along....I will love you when you want me to have a humble and contrite spirit about the things of God....I will love you when you love me on purpose and are happy about it....I will love you when you know what I want....I will love you when you know your worth in God....I will love you when you do your best to love me back....I will love you when you want the best for me and my family.....I will love you when you know for certain you have enough in God to satisfy, realizing what greatness God is giving you.....I will love you when all things are made right. I will love you when.....

It has been said many times...It is time for radical kind of love. This is the heart of God. Let us not give up meeting together. This is the foundation in which all else stems.

There is no condemnation, just love. Take on the one who makes it all possible. Love covers a multitude of sin.

1 Thessalonians 5:23 says this...Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely; and may your whole spirit, soul and body be preserved blameless at the coming of your Lord Jesus Christ.

God loves you even if.....and God loves you when.....

Posted 10:30pm

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Faith Feet

For the entrance of the Word gives understanding to the path.

Hebrews 12:12-17 says...Therefore strengthen the hands which hang down, and the feeble knees and make straight paths for your feet, so that what is lame may not be dislocated, but rather be healed. Pursue peace with all people, and holiness, without which no one will see the Lord: looking carefully lest anyone fall short of the grace of God; lest any root of bitter ness springing up cause trouble, and by this many become defiled; lest there be any fornicator or profane person like Esau, who for one morsel of food sold his birthright. For you know that afterward, when he want to inherit the blessing, he was rejected, for he found no place for repentance, though he sought it diligently with tears.

Spiritual sickness that has rooted in offense and causes every sort of wrong.... This is a word of encouragement that you 'have been' sick. We all. Be of good cheer then because we know this is not of God and that healing belongs to all those who belong to Him. Reread the above verse and ask yourself a few questions and allow the Lord to speak to your spirit. You cannot say you do not know God. If you are alive and reading this, you know who He is. The Word says that everyone knows God.
~Can you pray?
~Can you believe?
~Can you trust?
~Can you forgive?
Amen! Your answers are Yes and Amen to the glory of God if you know the Word, because these are given to us all. There was and is anointed power in one drop of the blood that was shed that gave you all of these. Do you want it? It leads into every other blessing! You can pray with great power. You can believe for great things and for others. You can trust where there has been none and you can forgive greatly and open the flood gates of love in your heart and extend love to others.

Offense in the body of Christ wills sickness and disease; not for kingdom purpose. It's a fence for sure, but not for the purpose of blessing or even to guard the heart. It is for the purpose of being bait and taking it that no one be blessed, that the church not grow within your heart and even corporately. And thus every good gift cannot be given and miracles are slack in taking place in the church houses everywhere. 

Revelations says about the loveless church...Nevertheless, I have this against you, that you have left your first love. First love there is... 'dear, charity, affections, benevolence'. That cannot be accomplished without being and doing what it said it meant. 

When you remove the obstacles of offense, for whatever reasons you may have taken its bait and let go of bitterness that takes control of your heart, in the offense formed... You can pray, You can believe, You can trust and You can forgive. 

About Esau discussed above. It says 'like'. We are in the age of Grace. There is always repentance and there is always forgiveness. Resistance and rejection is from the pit of hell and furthers no good thing. Its commanded to return to where it came from! This is not a war against flesh, but against principalities and powers sent toward the church to cause trouble.

Once I was warned by a person and also told in prayer there was some sort of evil lurking and I did not heed the direction and be aware and as I was walking down the steps to the downstairs of this church I twisted my ankle and it hurt so badly I thought if I looked surely I snapped it in half. In a fit of pain, nearly vomiting and at this point my entire leg went numb, I as quickly as I could pull myself up,  taking no further thought of what pain I was in already, walked up two flights of steps and paced the church house for nearly two hours in spiritual prayer never sitting down once. When I left that day it was almost completely healed ...only a small portion of it unhealed over the next few days. God is in the miracle business. I held then and now a spiritual wisdom within my heart and mind that the miracles look like this...perseverance + prayer + forgiveness + love= Healing! ...of anything that ails your heart, soul, mind, strength or dreams! God is in the business of it all! Amen! 

I remember when I was little and was learning to ride a bike. My dad was running behind me and he let go after a few feet as I took off down the lane. I fell and skinned my knee (and many times after that; still scarred from some hard falls on my bike) and I was so mad that he let go. I didn't understand at the moment that it was gonna show how me to do it on my own. Now years later after him teaching me when I was 5 years old how to let go so I could ride freely on the road of life, he is now on oxygen. And I called him out for not telling me so that I might pray for his breathing. He told me he didn't want to worry me. The enemy will lie to you for any reason. Do you see where there can be no flow? Had I stayed angry I would have never learned. Had he not known that worry isn't of God, he would remain in the belief that he was alone in this. We are never too young or old to have a teachable spirit.     

The Spirit overtook me a few days ago in a quickened time of prayer and intercession. There was so much to be accomplished and I knew it...miraculously even! A place to get to in the Spirit for me and others and a place that I had to be and no means whatsoever to get there. I prayed until I came to that precious place knowing that everything was gonna be ok even if I couldn't make it. I even at one time contemplated how long it would take to walk 5 hours. There was certainly much to be accomplished. I had a choice to make in that. I was so very convicted at heart I could have jumped in the van and drove miles to give a profound word praying my way there knowing it would turn out well but I was blocked on every side and the van wouldn't even start. So, in the natural I wasn't going anywhere but I knew I had a message to give and also a trip to take and was prepared to, at a moments notice had a way been made somehow someway, to get it done. I have learned the art over several years stumbling, falling and getting back up again that when God says something move to do what he says in a moments notice; spontaneously....That it can be the difference between a person healing and not. God is gonna bless this irregardless of what your circumstances look like because that is right where He works the best. My point is that it was so strong on my spirit I could have gotten very angry at why this was not opening and became offended with even God, which is the greatest blockage ever to a river to flow.
Read here...Ezekiel 18: 27 says...Again, when a wicked man turns away from his righteousness which he committed, and does what is lawful and right, he preserves himself.  The disease goes no further. 

Matthew 6:15 says this...But if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.       

I Peter 3:7b says this...and as being heirs together of the grace of life, that your prayers may not be hindered.       

Luke 17:4 says ..."And if he sins against you seven times in a day, and seven times in a day returns to you , saying "I repent", you shall forgive him."  This grace in forgiving isn't a license to sin or not to examine your own heart or even to take on offenses that were never for you to take on. The enemy is well aware that it ceases the flow of good things. 

2 Corinthians 2:4-8 says...For out of much affliction and anguish of heart I wrote to you, with many tears, not that you should be grieved, but that you might know the love which I have so abundantly for you. But if anyone has caused grief, he has not grieved me, but all of you to some extent- not to be too severe. This punishment which was inflicted by the majority is sufficient for such a man, so that, on the contrary, you ought rather to forgive and comfort him, lest perhaps such a one be swallowed up with too much sorrow.  

Colossians 3:13 says...bearing with one another, and forgiving one another, if anyone has a complaint against another, even as Christ forgave you so you also must do.  

It's very clear...the flow of gifts are opened up when forgiveness is continual. Forgiveness is THE VERY MESSAGE OF THE CROSS. This leaves us without excuse. Often we keep going , shut our eyes, mouth and turn our heads. And that is not working for you or for me. It is a two way street with flow right down the center. Take a look at Revelations 22:2. Its says...In the middle of its street, and on either side of the river was the tree of life, which bore twelve fruits, each tree yielding its fruit every month. The leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations. Can we together shout a loud "Hallelujah"?! 

There will be the greatest flow of the river right in the middle blessing us all as we surrender to the love of God!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Word Before Worship

My heart, my mind, my spirit as well as the order of most churches begin our get-to-gethers with worship...and that is a beautiful thing!  God wants your worship, as much as you growing so in love with Him, yearns to worship. It seems only natural to put our heavenly Father first in what we know. It will always be a two-way street...a meeting in the middle. Its where things are accomplished in the Spirit as we come together corporately....blessed with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places (Ephesians 1:3) I am writing with the purpose of making our worship worthy in every way; perhaps bringing us all to a place we have never been. A loosening of the rough spots that we become more pliable at heart. Seems fit that it is time for a take down, a take down of things that don't allow us to worship more fully or as fully as we ought. A switched order in view that our worship is moving toward greatness in our hearts no matter what that looks like to us all.

You know, when you drive through a tunnel its only dark for the moment until you see the daylight just as you come out. This one may stir flesh a bit, but we are more blessed in the light at the end, that is really only the beginning of the day.

(Romans 8:6b) be spiritually minded is life and peace...In the Spirit in unity! The Wade version of that same verse reads this way...We are to be taught according to our bent but let it be the mind influenced to our bent but let it be the mind influenced by God which is life and peace and not the mind given to early things which is death. 

For we who live are always delivered to death for Jesus sake, that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our mortal flesh. So then death is working in us, but life in you. (2 Corinthians 4:11-12)...being always in full enjoyment of life.

(Galatians 3:21) Is the law then against the promises of God? Certainly not!  For if there had been a law given which could have given life, truly righteousness would have been by the law. Another verse says...Who hath bewitched you? 

(Hebrews 4:12) The Word of God is quick and powerful and sharper than any other two edged sword piercing even to dividing asunder of soul and spirit and of joints and marrow. The only place of division; aligns unto unity; lets the word do what it does.
When we worship we go high, we lift Him up and it is a blessed place indeed. Someone spoke of needing to find healing in an area of their life. We are worship to Him. We belong to God. We live out from Him. What we give away can only be of Him....or....So we set aside any doubts and pull down the things that don't allow us to worship fully. This one was seeking how-to-get free from a daunting spirit that was causing ail. It wasn't that this person couldn't be all they needed or wanted to be for and to God. You have to have the motivated spirit that wants to be free of the disease of what was standing behind the healing. There is always a lie and often more than one that stands behind, a hiding that causes the actual stronghold.

Ok, now let me explain this. Once many years ago I was amidst a powerful worship service and the Lord spoke almost as an audible voice and said that when you press into blessing the Lord with your worship and I was, its in the middle of it that you will not only perceive truth (refer to John 4:23-24) but also where the most intense battles come and also are won! We can look at the Valley of Blessing and see this truth in Chronicles. We know this to be true of the word and of this life lived from it. This one had to find that which was causing all of the ruckus so-to-speak holding back truth from the reality that allows the Spirit of God to flow and flood. As I stated above, and more often than in this instance, are we given a word of knowledge, a word of wisdom or a word of prophecy during the heights of worship. If even in the instant we don't align this to the word, the enemy either thieves or brings falsehood. What does this have to do with a person's healing? Everything. We are created to worship. When we do not take down the high places; wrong things set themselves us against the knowledge of God. When our thoughts are not His thoughts. We must renew the mind to the word of God. There is a pressing in that really doesn't give Him glory if we don't let go. It can become self motivated,without right motive and not be edifying. It can make a science of the word rather than simply agreeing with and believing it that in all manners of speaking God is glorified. So, in going after that healing know that keeping still doesn't get it. Speak, ask, knock. I most often walk into a service very prepared to praise and fellowship with God and dear ones but when you can't praise your way through one more ounce of pain you go after the victory first, that you might give away rightly. I know this seems long in explanation but the removal of dirt makes room for foundation. Lest the Lord do the building, the labor laboreth in vain the word says in another place. In other ways, no god ever saved themselves. But God! Selfish ambition never got that which you seek and control was never your friend, no matter how lovely or quick witted they might have been. 

To demonstrate further...When you are so high up that you won't have, or don't go after or ever seek counsel...wisdom has left your mind. The bible says in proverbs there is safety in a multitude of counselors. There is an ascertained and purposed reason why God said never give up meeting together. We learn from the Spirit in the midst of the corporate gatherings of believers. Healings and mistakes are only corrected by the grace and mercy of God and sometimes this comes in a just a sweet smile to a friend, neighbor or colleage but serves to break the ice that cause the neck to stiffen to a point of often heart break and hindrance. When you won't seek the healing you are setting yourself up for sickness and self exaltation that isn't in God's plan for you and doesn't get the prize until let go of. The enemy wants to place an apprearance of spiritual things that looks to serve the plan of God but with deception of false humility. The ploy; to steal enjoyment in the real things of God and to cause an end to that which was godly and golden to you. This makes room for covetness, idols of the heart and will do anything to try to steal your joy though never being fulfilled itself.

Now we know. It's time to bring the gold into the house of God. We will do this in a few ways. One; we will know our enemy and in that He cannot steal your joy when you stand in your righteous authority (though you can be so super sweet toward them, eventually it melts the heart of the one carrying the baggage unneeded that they give and worship right along with you). God is about life. If you are given a deadline, see it for what it is...a dead line. We are to be an extention of His life. And if you are being fed or filled of something that does not fill you or edify you rightly- you need a lifeline. 

God is not about lack. God is not about fear. God is not a God of punishment. The law was made only for the transgressors. We all have needed discipline. Without it we would not have been trained up in the way of the Word. Without it we have nothing. It should always humble us in some way, in that it shows us how to love greater than before. A classic example of this is wanting another to walk in the places you have been or watching another gain revelation of the same things you have hold of and same places you are going and be greatly excited for them. That excites me!

For children raised, reared and delivered into the knowledge of the Lord, there will come a time when the truth shines upon the heart and vision is clear how promises are fulfilled, not provoking children that they become discouraged or depressed. 


Proverbs 6:16-19 The Message

 16-19 Here are six things God hates,
    and one more that he loathes with a passion:
      eyes that are arrogant,
      a tongue that lies,
      hands that murder the innocent,
      a heart that hatches evil plots,
      feet that race down a wicked track,
      a mouth that lies under oath,
      a troublemaker in the family.
Your blessing is not the sacrifice of another! This comes from the motive of your heart. Abraham was accounted righteous. This is to all who receive this promise. 

There are spirits that are rooted in strongholds untold in ones held captive by them. In 2 Chroncles we read how he consulted spirits, mediums, fortune tellers and sorcers and encouraged these though this may have been hidden at times, making God angry none the less. Going after these for so long without repentance can cause one to be given over to a debased mind where all you come in contact with is affected. The above verse shows that the high and lofty places were not taken down in the heart. Again, I am not speaking of being high and full of Spirit. That is a blessing that takes place as sin and wrong doing ceases. When the generational things that plagued your past aren't taken down that true worship can take place that there be nothing that blocks the flow unto true worship happening in the house.

Come on Church! Let's get back to love be lifted high less every other lofty thing. Is there something that you are struggling to not carry? We all have to look at this daily...burdens even. 

Lie #1- Says you are too far gone for repair. 
Truth #1- You are already healed. You simply have to believe it, see it, know it and walk in it.

Lie #2- Can't believe the blessing is really for yours.
Truth #2- If you ask anything in His name its yours.

Lie #3- God does miracles but may not do it for you, your household or church house.
Truth #3- God is no respecter of persons and loves all the same.

He wants you to seek Him as a pure resources. He wants to be your  only source! 

God says stir up the gifts...not sorcery, rebellion, offenses, pain. These are not gifts of God. They have no victory over children of God. God is life and that's that. 

Empty the old wallpaper of the mind. Strip the walls of old and put on a fresh coat of paint. Loose the strongholds. 

(Ephesians 5:29-30) For no one ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, just as the Lord does the church for we are members of His body, of His flesh and of His bones.     

Usury is not of God. It's best to ere on the side of caution in causing condemnation or humiliation to another. It's not God's nature. All the wealth; prosperity of the wicked is laid up for the righteous in every form and fashion.

On the high temple mount much was promised if...
1-The enemy will use every excuse or false promise not to truly bless. He can't. He hasn't God's ability.
2-"If" is a doubt word no matter.
3-Blessings will be given in God because...this verse makes me laugh...God owns it all anyway. It's not the devils to give, however it is righteous to call forth what is rightfully ours.  The realization is that if enough belief comes together together much treasury shall be brought back into the house of God. 

This I know. There is coming a day when the people of God are gonna find themselves struck dumb of the flesh because the Spirit of God that overtakes all that is not! There is a indeed a place in God the devil dare not go. Yes, you and me have unfathomable blessings that belong to us! Take down all that is not of the Word and let's Worship God, bringing the Gold into the house of God and to the people of God.  My God is worthy to be praised and magnified!  

Friday, August 12, 2011

Look Inside

8/11/2011 11:59pm

Deep within the recesses of your inner man lay the grandest dreams, mountains of love, and an authority so huge-yet hidden in or behind one molecule of God's love. God's love for His creation- The "He" in "Him" He gave to you! It's like the one drop of blood that hit the top of your head as it dripped off the cross as the finished work became all of you...all that He made of you...yes, you went through even His grief. In this all things was given to you. You and I had to reckon with the truth that was held back all for you. When this wisdom written in the word of God; the word made it is taken in; breathed in and your mind renewed with the spirit of knowledge and wisdom that work together in the Spirit, you realize in the depths of your inner self that you are becoming full suddenly. Knowing something powerful is taking place. It's there that no quest or question, test or testimony is too silly to share. Romans 8:14-15...led of the Spirit. That latter rain falls upon you in whatever season and you find yourself yearning deeply, groaning in prayer at times for more and more of God. In this place you have found renewal taking place, anointing increasing, creativity blooming and authority in and of the knowing your Lord that makes the sky brighter, old habits less consuming, love growing big in your heart until there are times you may feel as though you'll jump out of yourself because God is all over you. The "He" in you now never diminishes the love you have for others but grows only from that place. It then holds a knowing deep within that nothing can take away what you have. Nothing can serve to separate you from the love of God. You cannot help but want to give it away. His words jump off the page, there's a song in your heart to sing that you can sense, a powerful exhortation of the Spirit, a shout of victory...often so loud that it breaks the power of hell! It's ok. go ahead and let yourself be just what you are longing to be. It's found in worshiping Him.What may happen might just allow you to realize the healing in the moment wrought for you so very long ago. That is what miracles are made of. The good surprises! With each step closer you realized strengths of His love in your heart and just what it means to you. And you know that the gates of hell will not prevail against the church. It's all right there...grandest dreams full on with love to give. Be blessed as you look inside...look inside your heart. Your Heavenly Father loves you and so do I!     

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Communicable Anointing Communicatively Passed On

  • Communicable: Transmittable between persons, catching, contagious. 
  • Anointing: To consecrate by the token of rubbing with oil.
  • Communicatively: Inclined to communicate; talkative, pertaining to communication.
Got a little giggley for a moment as I was given the title for this post. These definitions are only the dictionary definitions of the above words. Before I go any further I will let you know before we expound here we are not talking about disease when we say communicable but we are talking about being contagious of God! Amen! That is a good transmission and catchy.The more its given away the more contagious you are and there are no side effects. There are symptoms but not related to disease but of all that is in, of and pertaining to God. Token is a sign, a representation in the actually rubbing with oil. This denotes that there is an action in the anointing that is or has taken place. Communicatively is the act of being talkative, communicating with another. And look at this..... 'Inclined' would tell us there is a predisposition to speak. Might I suggest that inclined might mean going upward. All things are either on an incline or decline. So the anointing takes you further; takes you higher from the previous place you were. 

This subject I could talk about all day so here I will just start typing points of interest that you will either glean from or it shall be confirmed within.....
  • The anointing contains the miraculous; no matter how large or small.
  • The anointing skims the dross of any negative circumstances.
  • The anointing is happy and full of life.
  • The anointing is necessary! Some things are not - but this is necessary!
  • The anointing allows you to go as far with God as you so desire.
  • The anointing is not constrictive or restrictive; it removes circumstance.
  • The anointing is the place of victory.
  • The anointing moves and settles in many different ways.
  • The anointing thrives on obedience and also connectiveness. 
  • The anointing flows through belief and wains under unbelief. 
  • The anointing backs every Godly decision you make and allows faith to flow.
On that last point I want to say this. My 2 oldest children used to use the word "random" a lot when they were teenagers; a catchy word that they used in a funny way to describe "off the wall" or "different". The dictionary meaning for the word random is this...'without regard to rules or schedules'. I thought of this just now in regard to the anointing. As you turn off of one main road to get to my home you have to turn onto Random Road. That made me laugh at first. But stay with me. I can go straight at the stop sign or I can go right at the stop sign and follow around either way or go to the next stop sign and turn and go up to the next street and turn to get to my house. It is my decision which way to turn to find my house but like the decision being in the hands of God of the anointing once its given away it is all up to the receiver.

In another way, you can listen to the preach and it is in the heart and mouth of the preacher to give the word. Once it leaves out and into the crowd or the atmosphere it is up to the hearers to press into the understanding of the message given. When I think of my family as an example, as I was naming my children I wanted them to be very different from the next. Certainly there is nothing wrong with a large family having many names beginning with the same letter. Stay with me. The anointing falls where the Holy Spirit wills to reach. The anointing is coupled with decision to want it, to go after it and with no fear. There are no boundary where you are willing to receive in His presence. Where there is a righteous will to step in and step under there is no stopping what can be done within your life and spirit.  

There are so very many and varying ways the anointing flows and so many aspects of the anointing to discuss. If you are thinking "Oh no, this is gonna be one of those long posts" you may well be correct : ) Why stop a good thing when it is just beginning? With the anointing I will boldly say that is virtually impossible to not use to God's glory if you know of its incredible value and all the love contained within it.

Here is an example I want to share with you to explain one aspect that I feel is highly important in regard to the anointing. The anointing reminds me of a carbonated drink you pour and it fizzles at the top. If you pour too quickly it bubbles over the glass. Sometimes I have been known to stick my finger in the top of the glass and somehow this makes the bubbles go down quickly. I suppose there isn't anything wrong with doing that if the glass was mine ; ) But the parallel I want to draw upon is not a habit but when the anointing is flowing greatly the anointing is a sensitive thing. First of all it contains all of God within it. You might stop there and ponder that last sentence for a long while. It contains all of God within it. There are so many aspects of the anointing. The anointing is pure and at its height doesn't operate alongside of impurity. This does not in any way serve to condemn, speak or judge another less than or even one's sin. In purest form its flow tolerates no less. Read with me Isaiah 10 verse 27b...And the yoke will be destroyed because of the anointing oil. I conclude that with righteous intent this is one powerful oil! What I am not conveying here is a spirit of religion of which in times in all of our pasts acted like a finger that intervened and caused the anointing of the Holy Spirit to be less in use or void of use due to negativity, inability, fear or the like. That is different than not wanting your cup to overflow. Do you see what I am saying? This is apples and oranges. One is dealing with the physical aspects we deal with in the everyday and the other is dealing with the spiritual aspects of your life. The anointing is the giver of life. It is important to remember that within the finger of God lies the anointing and within it..... the oil of joy, the healing and fire of the Holy Spirit within it. I am sure I can recall my two same teenagers in times past use the phrase "that's the bomb"! In the same way, the anointing is The Balm! Amen!  


When you think about the tabernacle and this is a vast view I am sharing here but go with me for a moment in this. When the pattern was given, the instructions were given to be carried out with purpose. As one foot was placed in front of the other in obedience to the divine instruction given there was a flow of accomplishment. I have always loved this verse...Exodus 36:1 says this...

And Bezalel and Aholiab, and every gifted artisan in whom the Lord has put wisdom and understanding, to know how to do all manner of work for the service of the sanctuary, shall do according to all the Lord has commanded.

Even in this, this was how the Holy Spirit moved up with guidance in that day. These instructions were for our teach to show us things to come. Now look at what is available to you now!  I once put together a retreat on Gifts of the Spirit based from this verse. I will touch on the subject a bit more here drawing on the obedience, alignment, care, giftings and ingredients that are spoken of. These two were called of God and carried a spirit of wisdom and understanding. The Spirit of Wisdom denotes the future. Understanding or knowledge denotes the past or present. Yes and Amen! Did you catch that?! In the future from this time we now know that the gift of Wisdom and the Gift of Knowledge operate in revelation and relation to one another. So these two fellas endowed with what God gave them were carrying important gifts. But it wasn't because of themselves. It was because of the anointing. Flesh profits nothing. But I want you to see in the above verse is that gifts weren't for the select two. It goes onto say every gifted artisan whose heart was stirred to come and do the work. Woah, there is glory all over that! Not about taxing labor; but rather about giftedness as the Lord had commanded. We are to come before God with worship; we all.

Lets look at verse 28....and spices and oil for the light, for the anointing oil, and for the sweet incense.

Oil forever has and forever will be producer of light. Indeed spices make the fragrance sweet. Cinnamon in my house is not just a Christmas scent. There is something spiritually speaking about the fragrant offerings of worship and unity that give off that sweet spiced scent. This is how God sees the heart of man as you come together in the house of God in the giving of material and spiritual gifts. This goes back to God's care of the physical and spiritual aspects of our lives.

Verse 29 summarized this well....The children of Israel brought a freewill offering to the Lord, all the men and women whose hearts were willing to bring material for all kinds of work which the Lord, by the hand of Moses, had commanded to be done.   

All God's children brought willingly with right motive and all kinds of gifts when the man of God spoke out what God had told him to say. It truly rests in the motive of the heart. And within motive of heart there is rest knowing you have heard. As you go on down through Chapter 36, you will find that there was no shortage and more than enough. Amen! This constitutes and calls for a full and operative house of the Almighty God! And amidst the obedience you will find a grandiose flow of the anointing.   


There are four points I have found that set well with me that an elderly African Missionary left me with in the late 90's at a house church meeting I attended monthly for a time. I see that the anointing hasn't changed so I will share them here.

The anointing is...
  1. A divine enablement of God's ability that has been imparted in the lives of the believer to do His work.
  2. A precious and essential element that allows the believer to do things outside of the their natural ability.
  3. A tangible measure of God's ability that can flow through the life of believers so as to see God given results.
  4. A supernatural manifestation of the Holy Spirit that can affect everything and everyone with whom it comes in contact.     
That last one sets very well with my spirit because it has previously been called out earlier this year that the word this year is "manifest". _____________________________________________________

Again, when we speak of the flow of the anointing, it will flow freely when there is alignment and under the blessing. It does not flow under the curse. 

Increasing the Anointing:
  • Get in the quiet. There are seasons for this. Turn off the stereo, cd's, television, call a quiet time in the house, take walks, go somewhere peaceful so that it is you and God.
  • Decide what your hearts' desires are.
  • Meditate on the Word of God
  • Increase prayer times daily and fast alongside this.
  • Worship the Lord in a way that magnifies Him.
  • Bless those ones that do not treat you well. It changes things.
  • Ask God for the Discerning of Spirits 
  • Carry (at all times) the love of God.
  • Be in the House of God as often as the church doors are open.
Have you ever seen a beaver damn? This illustration was given me to share with you to expound on hindrances to the flow of the anointing. Beavers have their place in creation. They are methodical, quick and efficient in their work. The problem is if this were the faucet in which you drink the anointing lets say, then the damn would either burst or you would be without. One thing I know if a beaver sees the work broke through then he sizes up the damage and goes back at it again and makes it stronger and perhaps in a different manner this next time to build up  the damn. The same is with the flesh and the enemy you encounter in growing in the anointing. You must have dedication, consecration, faithfulness and a hunger that keeps the river flowing but rather than building the damn, you are keeping it free of debri that there be increase and flow within you.

Let's get contagious, consecrated to the upward call to communicate. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word. Word and Spirit. The Spirit follows the Word and that is where the blessing flows. Pass it on. 

Other posts related to the anointing...See 7/31/2010 "Life in the House" and 10/6/2010 (3 Posts) "Where Inspiration Flows", "Where Inspiration Flows From" and "Where Inspiration Flows from Further"